The National Academies

ACRP 11-01/Topic 10-01 [Pending]

Update of Compilation of FAA/DOT Airport Legal Determinations
[ ACRP 11-01 (Legal Aspects of Airport Programs) ]

  Project Data
Funds: $50,000
Contract Time: 48 months
Staff Responsibility: Jordan Christensen


ACRP Legal Research Digest 21: Compilation of DOT and FAA Airport Legal Determinations and Opinion Letters is a compilation of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) 14 C.F.R. Part 16 determinations and orders, FAA 14 C.F.R. Part 13 decisions, United States Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT) 49 U.S.C. § 47129 decisions, and legal opinion letters and related documents issued by the U.S. DOT General Counsel and FAA Chief Counsel as of 2017. FAA publishes Part 16 and Part 13 decisions online, but indexes them only by party name and docket number. ACRP LRD 21, which can be found at https://crp.trb.org/acrplrd21/, indexes decisions by subject matter and is an extremely valuable research aid for airport operators, law firms, and consultants. This resource is updated annually.


The objective of this research is to update the ACRP LRD 21 WebResource annually for four years through 2027.


This research will be conducted in multiple years in a firm fixed price agreement. The tasks are:

Year 1

Task 1a. Within 60 days of the end of the calendar year, conduct comprehensive research and provide updated keyword search categories and an outline of changes. This material will be submitted for ACRP consideration and approval. Participate in a conference call with the ACRP project panel 3 weeks after submission.

Task 1b. Submit a draft final of the abstracts and pages to be updated.

Task 1c. Submit the response to panel comments, the final abstracts, PDFs of the rulings where an abstract was changed or added, and the index of terms in Word.

Task 1d. After receiving the edited abstracts from the CRP editor, create new pages in WordPress for each abstract and for any updated rulings.

Year 2

Task 2a. Within 60 days of the end of the calendar year, conduct comprehensive research and provide updated keyword search categories and an outline of changes and additions. This material will be submitted for ACRP consideration and approval. Participate in a conference call with the ACRP project panel 3 weeks after submission.

Task 2b. Submit a draft final of the abstracts and pages to be updated.

Task 2c. Submit the response to panel comments, the final abstracts, PDFs of the rulings where an abstract was changed or added, and the index of terms in Word.

Task 2d. After receiving the edited abstracts from the CRP editor, create new pages in WordPress for each abstract and for any updated rulings.

Year 3

Task 3a. Within 60 days of the end of the calendar year, conduct comprehensive research and provide updated keyword search categories and an outline of changes. This material will be submitted for ACRP consideration and approval. Participate in a conference call with the ACRP project panel 3 weeks after submission.

Task 3b. Submit a draft final of the abstracts and pages to be updated.

Task 3c. Submit the response to panel comments, the final abstracts, PDFs of the rulings where an abstract was changed or added, and the index of terms in Word. 

Task 3d. After receiving the edited abstracts from the CRP editor, create new pages in WordPress for each abstract and for any updated rulings.

Year 4

Task 4a. Within 60 days of the end of the calendar year, conduct comprehensive research and provide updated keyword search categories and an outline of changes. This material will be submitted for ACRP consideration and approval. Participate in a conference call with the ACRP project panel 3 weeks after submission.

Task 4b. Submit a draft final of the abstracts and pages to be updated.

Task 4c. Submit the response to panel comments, the final abstracts, PDFs of the rulings where an abstract was changed or added, and the index of terms in Word. 

Task 4d. After receiving the edited abstracts from the CRP editor, create new pages in WordPress for each abstract and for any updated rulings.



  • $5,000 paid upon submission and approval of Task a each year
  • $2,000 paid upon submission and approval of Task b each year
  • $3,500 paid upon submission and approval of Task c each year
  • $2,000 paid upon submission and approval of Task d each year



STATUS: Proposals have been received in response to the RFP. The project panel will meet to select a contractor to perform the work.



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