The National Academies

High Speed Rail IDEA Project 06 [Completed (IDEA)]

Demonstration & Testing of IHS Wide Field Surveillance System Integration with the Highway and Railway

  Project Data
Funds: $44,250
Staff Responsibility: Chuck Taylor
Completion Date: 12/1/1997
Fiscal Year: 1997

This IDEA project explored the potential of a wide-angle, single-camera machine video system for surveillance of highway/rail grade crossings. Potential uses of such a system would include detecting vehicles on crossings for sequencing four-quadrant gates, detecting stalled or disabled vehicles, and monitoring the performance and condition of grade crossing warning system components. Other uses could be preemption of highway traffic signals to prevent backups onto railway tracks, and detecting and identifying vehicles that trespass railroad tracks after warning systems have been activated.  

A single 160°  field-of-view, optical surveillance system has been developed that could replace multiple sensors that are presently required to monitor, evaluate, or control the traffic flow within an entire crossing area. Such an area may include each inbound and outbound or exiting lane on both sides of the grade crossing.
The system is also designed to provide real-time detection and tracking of the position of crossing gate arms on each side of the railway tracks, even when a train is present in the intersection. Supplemented with machine vision logic, the system provides potential for the detection of:
  • objects that are stopped or stuck on the tracks, 
  • vehicles that are waiting in a queue that extends to within a critical distance of the tracks, 
  • malfunctioning crossing signals or gates, and
  • objects that cross the tracks in violation of crossing signals.

  • The final report for this IDEA project can be found at: 

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