The National Academies

NCHRP 20-24(037)L [Completed]

National Report on Transportation System Performance -- State DOTs Telling the Story
[ NCHRP 20-24(037) (Measuring Performance among State DOTs: Sharing Good Practices) ]

  Project Data
Funds: $400,000
Research Agency: ICF Incorporated, Spy Pond Partners
Principal Investigator: Hyun-A Park, Frances Harrison
Effective Date: 2/29/2012
Completion Date: 6/25/2013

This project was intended to produce an illustrative national-level management report (both print-based and web-based) of state surface transportation system performance. When fully developed, such a report would be a means for state DOTs to “Tell the Story” concerning system performance, using explicit performance measures and reflecting implementation of sound transportation performance management principles. Underlying the report would be an AASHTO-administered Comparative Performance Management (CPM) website, housing a well articulated database representing state-maintained performance statistics made available within an accepted framework.  The reporting system would include visualization tools such as charts, graphs, and figures that can be used effectively to communicate and analyze information available in a CPM website.  The website would enable state DOT managers to meaningfully portray their state system’s performance and learn from others’ experience. 


The prototype was intended to illustrate how comparative performance statistics, such as those developed in the NCHRP 20-24(37) project series, may be presented and used to characterize and direct state performance management efforts. The intended audience for this report includes state-level decision makers (e.g., Governors, legislatures, DOTs) as well as those at the national-level decision makers (e.g., U.S. Congress and U.S. Department of Transportation), providing a consistent mechanism with which state DOTs can showcase their ability to successfully implement performance management principles for the betterment of the transportation system at the national-level.   The research team provided support to the AASHTO Standing Committee on Performance Management (SCOPM) as that group worked to develop wide acceptance of selected performance measures and to provide states' perspectives to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).  With enactment of the extensive performance-based msanagement provisions of federal MAP-21 legislation, SCOPM efforts continued in cooperation with FHWA's.  The research team's final documents were delivered to AASHTO.

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