Building upon the efforts of NCHRP Projects 20-24(98) and 20-102(19), the objective of this project is to refresh the CV/AV research roadmap and to maintain the roadmap for the duration of the contract by providing regular updates as new and relevant information or issues are identified by the research team and NCHRP project panel. The research team will be expected to use many sources, including the literature, relevant AASHTO events, relevant research underway or planned by other research institutions, the annual Automated Vehicle Symposium sponsored by TRB and the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI), and the TRB Forum on Preparing for Automated Vehicles and Shared Mobility.
A contractor report that documents the entire research effort and any lessons learned is available here. In addition, there is a Webinar presentation for the NCHRP Project 20-102(19)B available in pdf and pptx format.