The National Academies

NCHRP 20-102 [Active]

Impacts of Connected Vehicles and Automated Vehicles on State and Local Transportation Agencies--Task-Order Support

  Project Data
Funds: $6,500,000 ($1M each from FY 2015 & 2016, $1.5M from 2017, 2018, & 2019)
Staff Responsibility: Dr. Zuxuan Deng


The objectives of NCHRP Project 20-102 are to (1) identify critical issues associated with connected vehicles and automated vehicles that state and local transportation agencies and AASHTO will face, (2) conduct research to address those issues, and (3) conduct related technology transfer and information exchange activities.

The list of projects funded under NCHRP 20-102 are at the bottom of this page and are included in the Summary of NCHRP 20-102 Activities

NCHRP Project 20-24(98) developed a draft research roadmap for addressing CV/AV issues. NCHRP Project 20-102(19) is updating this roadmap and has completed their review of the previous roadmap.


Connected vehicle technologies are being developed to enable safe, interoperable networked wireless communications among vehicles (V2V), the infrastructure (V2I), and travelers’ personal communication devices (V2X). These technologies are intended to reduce highway crashes; provide data for assessing the performance of the transportation system; provide continual access to accurate information on the operation of the system to travelers; and reduce unnecessary stops, delays, and emissions.
Automated vehicle technologies are also under development that will significantly change fundamental planning, design, and operational characteristics for the road network. Some industry leaders expect that Level 4 vehicle automation (under NHTSA and SAE definitions) will be available on the market by 2018. Fully autonomous, driverless vehicles (SAE Level 5 automation) could be on the market by 2025.
For Level 5 automation, “the vehicle is designed to perform all safety-critical driving functions and monitor roadway conditions for an entire trip. Such a design anticipates that the driver will provide destination or navigation input, but is not expected to be available for control at any time during the trip.” (NHTSA, Preliminary Statement of Policy Concerning Automated Vehicles) Level 4 automation is essentially the same as Level 5, without any driver supervision (e.g., there is no expectation that the driver will be engaged), over a limited driving domain. These vehicles may be safer than current models.
Connected vehicles and automated vehicles are essentially different technologies, though some of the challenges they present to transportation agencies will be similar. These two technologies may converge or diverge from each other based largely on developments in the private sector (e.g., vehicle manufacturers, third-party vendors). While some actors envision a completely autonomous vehicle that does not require communication with other entities, others see serendipities between the two technologies. This project will address both technologies (including the combination) under the umbrella term of CV/AV. The individual tasks that compose the project will clearly identify which technologies are to be addressed.  

A request for statements of qualifications was active from December 11, 2014 to January 29, 2015. Four task-order contracts have been executed. For the individual tasks selected by the NCHRP Project 20-102 panel (listed below), the selected task-order contractors will be asked to submit competitive proposals that will be evaluated by a separate panel for each task. These task panels will also oversee the contractor's work.

During the course of the contract, task-order contractors will be expected to submit quarterly progress reports that include: (1) brief status reports on tasks currently underway (including a table of milestones and deliverables, significant findings, a description of any problems encountered, and recommended solutions to such problems); (2) summary of significant events in the CV and AV industries that may affect the research roadmap; and (3) recommendations for updates to the research roadmap.
The NCHRP will decide in Summer 2017 whether to readvertise for task-order contractors or to extend the ones that are in place.


20-102(01) Policy and Planning Actions to Internalize Societal Impacts of CV and AV Systems into Market Decisions

20-102(02) Impacts of Regulations and Policies on CV and AV Technology Introduction in Transit Operations

20-102(03) Challenges to CV and AV Application in Truck Freight Operations

20-102(04) Evaluation Guidance for Automated Vehicle Pilot and Demonstration Projects

20-102(05) Strategic Communications Plan for NCHRP Project 20-102

20-102(06) Road Markings for Machine Vision

20-102(07) Implications of Automation for Motor Vehicle Codes

20-102(08) Dedicating Lanes for Priority or Exclusive Use by CVs and AVs

20-102(09) Updating Regional Transportation Planning and Modeling Tools to Address Impacts of Connected and Automated Vehicles

20-102(10) Cybersecurity Implications of CV/AV Technologies on State and Local Transportation Agencies

20-102(11) Mobility-on-Demand and Automated Driving Systems: A Framework for Public-Sector Assessment

20-102(12) Business Models to Facilitate Deployment of CV Infrastructure to Support AV Operations

20-102(13) Planning Data Needs and Collection Techniques for CV/AV Applications

20-102(14) Data Management Strategies for CV/AV Applications for Operations

20-102(15) Impacts of Connected and Automated Vehicle Technologies on the Highway Infrastructure

20-102(16) Impacts of Connected, Automated Vehicle Technologies on Traffic Incident Management Response

20-102(17) Deployment Guidance for CV Applications in the Open Source Application Development Portal

20-102(18) Minimum Safety Data Needed for Automated Vehicle Operations and Crash Analysis

20-102(19) Update AASHTO’s Connected Vehicle/Automated Vehicle Research Roadmap

20-102(19)B Updated Research Roadmap for NCHRP 20-102, Impacts of Connected Vehicles and Automated Vehicles on State and Local Transportation Agencies

20-102(20) Preparing the Transportation Workforce for the Deployment of Emerging Technology

20-102(21) Infrastructure Modifications to improve the Operational Domain of Automated Vehicles

20-102(22) State and Local Impacts of Automated Freight Transportation Systems

20-102(23) Potential Impacts of Highly Automated Vehicles and Shared Mobility on Traveler Behavior

20-102(24) Infrastructure Modifications to Improve the Operational Conditions of Automated Vehicles

20-102(25) Readiness and Effectiveness of Freeway-Based Corridor V2X Applications for Improving Congestion and Safety

20-102(26) Dynamic Curbside Management: Keeping Pace with New and Emerging Mobility and Technology in the Public Right of Way

20-102(27) Realistic Timing Estimates for Automated Vehicle Implementation

20-102(28) Preparing Transportation Agencies for Connected and Automated Vehicles in Work Zones

20-102(29) Incorporating New Mobility Options into Travel Demand Forecasting and Modeling

20-102(30) Equity Impacts of Shared AVs on Transportation Disadvantaged Communities

20-102(31) Unintended Consequences of AVs on Infrastructure Owner-Operators

20-102(32) Safety Implications in a Mixed Vehicle Environment

20-102(33) A Guide to Enhancing the Safety of Vulnerable Road Users in a CAV Future

20-102(34) Toolbox for Navigating the Land-Use Impacts of the Automated Vehicle Ecosystem

20-102(35) C/AV Applications for IOO Fleets

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