The National Academies

NCHRP 09-49 [Completed]

Performance of WMA Technologies: Stage I--Moisture Susceptibility

  Project Data
Funds: $450,000
Research Agency: Texas A&M Transportation Institute
Principal Investigator: Amy Epps Martin
Effective Date: 7/26/2010
Completion Date: 9/30/2013
Comments: The project final reports are available as NCHRP Reports 763 and 817.

The objectives of this research were to (1) assess whether WMA technologies adversely affect the moisture susceptibility of flexible pavements and (2) develop guidelines for identifying and limiting moisture susceptibility in WMA pavements.

The project final report includes the following appendixes:
·         Appendix A. Laboratory Conditioning Experiment
·         Appendix B. Moisture Conditioning Experiment
·         Appendix C. Performance Evolution Experiment
·         Appendix D. Construction Reports and Performance of Field Projects
·         Appendix E. Mixture Volumetrics
·         Appendix F. Proposed Draft Revisions to the Appendix to AASHTO R 35
·         Appendix G. Future Work Plan to Evaluate Moisture Susceptibility of HMA and WMA
·         Appendix H. Statistical Results
Appendix F is included in NCHRP Report 763. Appendixes A—E, G, and H are available for download here.

The project final report for follow on NCHRP Project 9-49B, Performance of WMA Technologies: Stage I--Moisture Susceptibility--Validation, is available as NCHRP Report 817.

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