The National Academies

NCHRP 20-44(54) [Pending]

Training Program for the Emergency Management Playbook
[ NCHRP 20-44 (NCHRP Implementation Support Program) ]

  Project Data
Funds: $212,000
Contract Time: 24 months
Staff Responsibility: Patrick Zelinski


NCHRP Research Report 1093: An Emergency Management Playbook for State Transportation Agencies (EM Playbook) is a practical guide for developing and maintaining a transportation agency’s emergency management program. The EM Playbook includes key capabilities and activities to assist an agency in performing critical emergency management actions. The EM Playbook provides concise information designed to enable agencies to enhance their existing emergency management programs and offers ways to improve their "plays" to address gaps, contingencies, or new hazards. The EM Playbook can help transportation emergency managers understand, plan, and implement emergency preparedness programs that fit agencies' needs, capabilities, and challenges.

Supplemental to the EM Playbook are basic training materials for transportation leaders and presenters. The training materials are divided into topic modules designed to represent manageable chunks of training. The topic modules generally follow the chapters of the EM Playbook, and each play has its own module. 

State departments of transportation (DOTs) need training on how they can use the EM Playbook and training materials at their agencies, and a train-the-trainer program can accomplish this. An example of a successful train-the-trainer program is the National Traffic Incident Management Responder Train-the-Trainer Program developed in the Second Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP2); this strategy includes in-person and virtual training.


The objectives of this research are to (a) develop a train-the-trainer program and materials based on the EM Playbook that can be delivered in person and virtually and (b) conduct at least four national virtual train-the-trainer workshops and at least one in-person train-the-trainer workshop at a national event.

Accomplishment of the project objective(s) will require at least the following tasks.


Task 1. Building on the EM Playbook and existing training materials, develop a comprehensive training toolkit for emergency managers at state DOTs who can tailor the training to different audiences at state DOTs, including, but not limited to, field staff and executives. Content for the training toolkit should focus on Chapters 7 and 9 of the EM Playbook. The training toolkit should include a field guide (i.e., a document that can be printed on waterproof paper and distributed to field staff and first responders), quick reference sheets and checklists, editable presentations, an instructor guide, a student guide, quizzes and exams, a tabletop exercise and supporting materials, case studies, and other appropriate materials. Prepare an interim report to document Task 1 and provide an updated work plan for the reminder of the research.

Deliverables: A training toolkit and an interim report

Task 2. Develop a train-the-trainer program and materials that can be delivered in person and virtually. The train-the-trainer workshop should not exceed four hours. Conduct a virtual panel meeting to walk through the train-the-trainer workshop. Propose revisions to the training program and materials based on panel feedback.

Deliverables: A train-the-trainer program and materials and a virtual panel meeting

Task 3. Conduct at least four national virtual train-the-trainer workshops that are made available to all state DOTs. Collect evaluations of the workshops from participants.

Deliverables: Four virtual train-the-trainer workshops and evaluations from participants

Task 4. Based on the participant evaluations, propose revisions to the train-the-trainer program and materials. Conduct a virtual meeting with the panel to discuss the proposed revisions.

Deliverable: A virtual panel meeting with the proposed revisions

Task 5. Conduct at least one in-person four-hour train-the-trainer workshop in conjunction with a national event, such as the AASHTO Committee on Transportation System Security and Resilience (CTSSR) annual meeting. The participants from the workshop will be drawn from the attendees at the national event.

Deliverable: At least one in-person train-the-trainer workshop

Task 6. Prepare final deliverables, including (1) a final report that documents the entire research effort and includes evaluations from workshop participants, (2) the training toolkit, and (3) the train-the-trainer program and materials. 


Proposals have been received in response to the RFP. The project panel will meet to select a contractor to perform the work.

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