The AASHTO “Bike Guide” has been substantially updated and expanded based on research that has been conducted over the past 10 years – i.e., since the last guide was published in 1999. The NCHRP panel that developed this draft guide worked diligently to produce a guide that addresses major issues that have emerged in that period of time, and is a compromise between the various points of view within the transportation community – bicycle advocates, safety engineers, geometric designers, traffic engineers, etc. However, after a request for comments from four AASHTO committees in advance of formal balloting (which was done to help ensure that major concerns would be addressed prior to conducting the ballot), the almost 1,000 comments received are too much for a task force to resolve on its own in a timely manner. A consultant is needed to develop draft responses to these comments, and then a panel of a cross-section of users can then determine the final resolution of the comments.
The draft Bike Guide has been in development for 5 years and it is extremely close to being finalized. This project will complete the guide and produce a document that will greatly assist planners and designers as they work to incorporate bicycles into their planning and design.
The objective of this project was to review and propose resolutions to the comments submitted by AASHTO committee members on the draft update to the AASHTO Guide for the Development of Bicycle Facilities.