The National Academies

Rail Safety IDEA Project 02 [Completed (IDEA)]

Auto Radio Override Alert Systems for Trains and Emergency Vehicles

  Project Data
Staff Responsibility: Harvey Berlin

The purpose of this project was to test the proposed Auto Radio Override Alert System, which was designed to enable a train to override active AM and FM radios in motor vehicles in the immediate area of a highway/railroad grade crossing, to warn the motor vehicle drivers of the approach of the train.  No modification or new device in the motor vehicle would be needed. 
The concept of overriding the broadcast program was validated in earlier tests with the transmitter located on an emergency vehicle and transmitting only on certain FM frequencies. The objective of this investigation was to validate the design and application, with the transmitter located on a locomotive or at a highway/railroad grade crossing in a rural area, and transmitting the emergency message across the AM and FM broadcast bands.
The field tests, which would have been part of the last stage of this project, were not conducted by Midland Associates. This project was ended, as recommended by the Midland Associates’ Principal Investigator.  
The Principal Investigator prepared a project Final Report on the part of this project that was carried out, including what was learned in this effort. Lessons learned from this effort should be useful if there is any future consideration of a similar device. The Principal Investigator submitted the Final Report in November 2005. This project is completed.

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