The National Academies

ACRP 11-01/Topic 11-02 [Pending]

Accommodation of Federal Agencies – Rights and Obligations of Host Airports
[ ACRP 11-01 (Legal Aspects of Airport Programs) ]

  Project Data
Funds: $50,000
Contract Time: 12 months
Staff Responsibility: Marci A. Greenberger

Airports are host to multiple federal agencies (e.g., TSA, CBP, APHIS, USDA, FAA) who play key roles in the operation, safety, and security of the facility. The legal authority defining airports’ rights and obligations to these agencies is varied and at times unclear. It is important to understand what is mandatory, discretionary or prohibited for airports to provide to these agencies as it relates to facilities and services. Understanding of airports’ rights and obligations will assist with long-term planning and help promote a cooperative relationship between airports and these agencies and ensuring operational efficiency.
The objective is to provide a single source of information concerning airports’ right and obligation to accommodate federal agencies. The research should include a review of federal laws, grant assurances, relevant federal agency orders, policies, and guidance, and any case law on the rights and obligations of host airports to provide facilities and services to federal agencies. The digest should summarize the relationship between airports and federal agencies, and consider the following: What are airports required to provide to federal agencies and at what cost? What may an airport insist upon from federal agencies? What accommodations may an airport provide? What are airports prohibited from providing?
This research will be conducted in two phases and four tasks in a firm fixed price agreement. At the conclusion of Phase 1, ACRP will make a determination whether to proceed with Phase 2. The tasks will be as follows:
Phase I
Task 1. Conduct background research and collect relevant material. Based on the initial but complete review of the source materials, submit a detailed report outline. The outline should contain sufficient detail to describe what a report of appropriate length will contain. This outline should also contain the estimated pagination for each proposed section and/or subsection. This material will be submitted for ACRP consideration and approval. Participate in a conference call with the ACRP project review panel 3 weeks after submission of the outline.
Phase II
Task 2. After ACRP approval of the detailed outline, conduct additional research, and case and statutory/regulatory analysis. Collect additional primary data to the extent necessary.
Task 3. Submit an initial draft report in accordance with the approved outline (including any modification required by ACRP). Participate in a conference call with the ACRP project review panel 3 weeks after submission of the initial draft report.
Task 4. Revise the initial report as necessary and provide a red-line and clean version of the draft final report (DFR). The ACRP will provide written comments, each of which will need a point-by-point response. The report will be revised as appropriate and submitted as the final report.
FUNDING: $50,000
                                                        25% paid upon submission and approval of the Task 1 Outline
                                                        50% paid upon submission and approval of the Task 3 Report
                                                        25% paid upon submission and approval of the Task 4 Final Report
 Status:  Pending

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