The National Academies

ACRP 11-02/Task 12 [Completed]

Ramp Incident Data from Selected Large and Medium Hub Airports
[ ACRP 11-02 (Priority Issues) ]

  Project Data
Funds: $27,014
Research Agency: Ricondo & Associates
Principal Investigator: Colleen Quinn
Effective Date: 2/1/2009
Comments: Data has been delivered to the FAA and is available to others upon request.

This task intends to survey a statistically meaningful volume of large and medium hub airports to collect data on ramp incidents from both the airport and airlines. This effort is intended to result in a database (Access or Excel) that will be made available to the airport industry. No separate report on the data will be developed.

  • Develop and incorporate survey questions for airports and airlines into the passive survey instrument developed under Task 5 of ACRP 04-07.
  • Review most recent ACI apron incident survey and coordinate with ACI regarding status and schedule for update of the survey.
  • Conduct follow-up surveys (direct contact) with non-responding airports and select airlines.
  • Data compilation – compile data in a format that is easily sortable. Provide electronic copy of database to Project Panel.

With the help of the project panel, select a group of medium and large hub airports and a statistically meaningful number and variety of airlines, and collect data related to accidents or incidents that have occurred on their ramps. The database should be easily sortable by type of incident, cost, injury, equipment damage, etc.

Status: Research has been completed and data was delivered to the FAA and is available to others as requested.

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