The National Academies

NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 54-21 [Final (Synthesis)]

Practices in the Transportation Planning Process to Address Climate Resilience and GHG Emission Quantification and Reduction
[ NCHRP 20-05 (Synthesis of Information Related to Highway Practices) ]

  Project Data
Funds: $55,000
Authorization to Begin Work: 4/29/2022 -- estimated
Staff Responsibility: Trey Joseph Wadsworth
Research Agency: John Zamurs
Principal Investigator: Zamurs and Associates
Completion Date: 5/1/2024
Comments: Published as NCHRP Synthesis Report 624
Fiscal Year: 2023

The objective of this synthesis is to document current state departments of transportation (DOTs) practices to address climate resilience/adaptation and quantify or reduce greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions in transportation planning processes, including long-range transportation plans and statewide transportation improvement programs. How DOTs address each in transportation planning can play an integral role in successfully meeting the challenges of climate change. Practices could include GHG quantification/reduction policies, program management and investment decisions, project selection criteria, or engineering directives on resiliency.

This synthesis gathered information through a literature review, a survey of DOTs, and follow-up interviews with selected DOTs. Seven case examples provide greater insight into current practices on GHG emissions or resilience/adaptation in transportation planning. Additional information is available in Appendix C, which is available on the National Academies Press (nap.nationalacademies.org) page for NCHRP Synthesis 624: Addressing Climate Resilience and Greenhouse Gases in the Transportation Planning Process under “Resources.”

John Zamurs of ZAMURS AND ASSOCIATES, LLC and Mark L. Stout of Mark L. Stout Consulting collected and synthesized the information and wrote the report. The members of the topic panel are acknowledged on page iv. This synthesis is an immediately useful document that records practices that were acceptable within the limitations of the knowledge available at the time of its preparation. As progress in research and practice continues, new knowledge will be added to that now at hand.

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