BACKGROUND: Monitoring the performance of snow and ice control operations has become an increasingly important task for highway agencies and contractors because of stakeholder expectations. Different performance measures have been used both in the United States and abroad but with varying degrees of success; there is no widely accepted measure applicable to the different roadway classifications, storm characteristics, or traffic conditions. Key components in implementing performance measures are the identification of means for collecting and quantifying relevant information and the methods for establishing level of service targets. Research was needed to develop a guide for applying performance measures to snow and ice control operations that addresses these and other relevant issues. Such a guide will help highway agencies and contractors monitor the level of performance and make appropriate adjustments to effectively manage resources for snow and ice control operations.
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this research was to develop . The guide shall be appropriate for assessing agency and contractor performance with focus on safety, mobility, and sustainability.
STATUS: Research is complete. The research produced a guide for applying performance measures to snow and ice control operations. The research has been published as NCHRP Research Report 889, available at