The National Academies

ACRP 01-11 [Final]

Understanding Airport In-Terminal Concession Programs

  Project Data
Funds: 350,000
Research Agency: Leigh Fisher, Inc.
Principal Investigator: Bruce Boudreau
Effective Date: 6/17/2009
Completion Date: 5/31/2011

Airport in-terminal concessions provide an important and necessary passenger service amenity. A well-implemented concession program can also provide measurable financial benefits to the airport’s operating budget.  Requirements for design and delivery of these services have changed dramatically over the past 10 years as services have moved inside the secure environment. In addition, as passengers continue to spend more time captive inside the secure terminal area, meeting changing needs has become even more important.  As a result, many airports have transformed their retail and service offerings from generic non-branded food, news, and predictable set of services into an integrated set of offerings featuring national and regional food concepts, a wide variety of specialty retail brands, and tailored services to both meet and stimulate passenger needs.  With these changes, there is a greater need to understand the market potential and challenges as well as a variety of viewpoints (e.g., domestic and international airports, and other retail and transportation centers).  


The objective of this research is to develop a Resource Manual to help airports and managers understand market potential and implementation requirements for an effective in-terminal concession program while recognizing evolving challenges.  This Resource Manual will be a tool for use by airport staff involved in and responsible for the business decisions affecting the development of concession programs and plans.  It will also serve as an informational tool for other stakeholders, including but not limited to, airport board members, airlines involved in creating concession programs and concessionaires.  For the purpose of this research, in-terminal concessions are the following: food & beverage, retail, amenities and services (e.g., vending, banking, luggage carts, postal services, telephones and wireless communications, advertising and personal services).


Status:  This research has been published as Report 54.  Backround on the research can be found in the Contractor's Final Report.

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