Post-construction stormwater best management practices (BMPs) are constructed facilities engineered to manage and treat stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces, such as buildings, roads, and parking lots. These BMPs are designed to reduce the amount of stormwater runoff, prevent erosion, and improve water quality by removing pollutants from stormwater. The maintenance and the inspection of these BMPs are critical for supporting functionality and performance. The objective of this synthesis is to document state department of transportation (DOT) practices related to outsourcing post-construction stormwater BMP inspection and maintenance activities.
Information for this study was gathered through a literature review, a survey of state DOTs, and follow-up interviews with selected DOTs. Case examples of six state DOTs provide additional information on outsourcing post-construction BMP inspection and maintenance activities.
J. Blake Whitman and Michael A. Perez, MAPLE Consulting, LLC, collected and synthesized the information and wrote the report. The members of the topic panel are acknowledged on page iv. This synthesis is an immediately useful document that records practices that were acceptable within the limitations of the knowledge available at the time of its preparation. As progress in research and practice continues, new knowledge will be added to that now at hand.