The project is canceled
The 2010 NCHRP Supported Outdoor Advertising International Scan identified safety issues as a major focus item. In the United States outdoor advertising permits are issued based on spacing, zoning, and lighting with no specific consideration given to the safety impacts of a sign structure or its location. Additionally, the impacts of outdoor advertising installations on livability, facility operation, and sustainability are not considered in the permitting process.
In the all of the countries visited, safety criteria or safety checklists are used to identify signs and sign locations that would be deemed to have a safety risk. These risks include driver distraction, driver confusion, brightness, line of sight reductions or blockages of critical traffic control devices. In Europe and Australia, specific plans are also developed for context sensitive site locations aimed to improve the driving experience and integrate all aspects of the roadway and view shed.
The project objectives follow:
(1) To review existing and developing safety checklists and safety criteria;
(2) To review existing and developing design guidelines and strategies on a national and international basis; and
(3) To develop an NCHRP funded RFP to identify a qualified contractor to develop safety criteria and checklists, along with design guidelines for use in the Outdoor Advertising Permitting process