The National Academies

ACRP 09-23 [Pending]

Strategies for Spatial Data Maintenance at Airports

  Project Data
Funds: $300,000
Contract Time: 18 months
Staff Responsibility: Krishna Murthy


Airports utilize spatial data from a variety of internal and external sources. Many airports are embarking on digital transformation initiatives to improve business processes and support investment in infrastructure development, maintenance, and operations. The goals of these initiatives include increasing efficiencies, complying with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) reporting requirements, improving safety, and developing preventative maintenance strategies to reduce the overall cost of ownership. For these goals to be realized, airports need strategies to ensure spatial data are current and accurate throughout the life cycle of both systems and infrastructure.


The objective of this research is to produce a guide for developing spatial data maintenance strategies at US airports. 

The guide must include the following:

  • A minimum of five case studies of existing airports, with no more than two non-aviation examples of spatial data maintenance strategies, that includes challenges and lessons learned
  • A workflow for implementing spatial data maintenance in an airport setting
  • A discussion of emerging trends and innovative practices including a review of the latest technologies, e.g., cloud computing, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Internet of Things (IoT), digital twin, etc.
  • Metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for evaluating success and tracking progress, including the establishment of baselines and continuous life cycle reviews
  • Recommended definitions for the most frequently used spatial data maintenance terms for the US airport industry
  • MS PowerPoint presentation for executive communication and buy-in



The research plan shall include the following interim deliverables for ACRP review and approval at a minimum:

  • A data collection plan for accomplishing the research objective that includes the proposed case studies and selection criteria
  • Interim report to include research results and analysis to date, draft annotated outline of the guidelines, initial summary of KPIs utilized by airports and other industries, a draft of common glossary of terms, next steps, and identification of follow-on research ideas to be developed into ACRP problem statements

The research plan shall also include the following checkpoints with the ACRP panel at a minimum:

  • Kick-off web-meeting to be held within 1 month of the Notice to Proceed
  • Web-meeting for review of the data collection plan
  • In-person meeting for reviewing the interim report
  • Additional web-meetings to be scheduled tied to the panel review and ACRP approval of other interim deliverables deemed appropriate

The final deliverables shall include: 

  • Guide
  • MS PowerPoint presentation for executive communication and buy-in
  • Contractor’s Final Report documenting all research steps, results, and analysis
  • Summary of Key Findings
  • Further Recommended Research Memo
  • Technical memo titled, “Implementation of Research Findings and Products”


STATUS: Proposals have been received in response to the RFP. The project panel will meet to select a contractor to perform the work.


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