The three-dimensional (3D) model-based approach for project development and delivery (herein called “3D Model”) is close to market saturation for highway roads and continues to gain market penetration for highway bridges. State departments of transportation (DOTs) have begun changing the medium of construction contract documents from paper or two-dimensional (2D) plans to 3D Model that is contractually binding. The drivers of this major change are the ability for contractors and inspectors to consume 3D Model directly to support project activities and communicate the design intent. However, changing the medium of construction contract documents has created challenges to the state DOTs, including a lack of robust review and documentation procedures, and automated quality control (QC) and quality assurance (QA) management processes for 3D Model. The procedures for review of 2D plans are well established but do not translate easily to 3D Model.
There is a need to provide guidance to aid state DOTs with the review of 3D Model, including data validation as well as QC and QA, and provide opportunities to automate the review and documentation procedures.
The objective of this research is to provide a guidebook to assist state DOTs with developing quality management processes for 3D model-based approach for project development and delivery.
Accomplishment of the project objective will require at least the following tasks.
Task descriptions are intended to provide a framework for conducting the research. The NCHRP is seeking the insights of proposers on how best to achieve the research objective. Proposers are expected to describe research plans that can realistically be accomplished within the constraints of available funds and contract time. Proposals must present the proposers' current thinking in sufficient detail to demonstrate their understanding of the issues and the soundness of their approach to meeting the research objective.
PHASE I—Planning
Task 1. Conduct a literature review of relevant research and current state of practice related to 3D Model. The review shall include published and unpublished research conducted through the NCHRP; FHWA; and other national, international, state, and pooled-fund sponsored research.
Task 2. Identify the required data, to be collected in Phase II, to achieve the research objective. Propose at least four states to conduct a detailed examination of statutes, policies, and practices for review (including QC and QA) and documentation procedures from model development through delivering contract documents. The final selection of states shall be approved by NCHRP.
Task 3. Synthesize Tasks 1 and 2 to identify the knowledge gaps related to 3D Model. These gaps should be addressed in this research or as budget permits in the recommendations for future research.
Task 4. Propose a methodology to achieve the research objective to be fully developed in Phase II. At the minimum, the methodology shall include the following:
- Define a list of elements to be considered in the review of 3D Model and their respective standards. Identify which of these elements are contractual representations of the design intent or supplemental engineering information. Elements may include existing and proposed features (e.g., utilities. drainage, structures, etc.);
- Develop inter-discipline and multi-discipline review (including QC and QA) and documentation procedures;
- Develop a procedure for version control from model development through delivering contract documents;
- Develop resources (including workflow, data dictionary, etc.) to automate the review and documentation procedures. These resources will be available as a stand-alone document for software developers;
- Define a list of standard terminologies used in 3D Model; and
- Identify which parts of the review and documentation procedures are essential versus general practice.
Task 5. Propose a preliminary outline for the guidebook.
Task 6. Prepare Interim Report No. 1 that documents Tasks 1 through 5, includes the data archiving and sharing plan, and provides an updated work plan for the remainder of the research. This report must be submitted to NCHRP no later than 4 months after contract execution. The updated work plan must describe the process and rationale for the work proposed for Phases II through IV.
PHASE II—Data Collection and Methodology Development
Task 7. Collect and analyze data to achieve the research objective according to the approved Interim Report No. 1.
Task 8. Execute the proposed methodology according to the approved Interim Report No. 1.
Task 9. Provide a detailed description of every chapter and section of the proposed guidebook and complete a sample chapter of the proposed guidebook selected by NCHRP. This chapter should be publication-ready.
Task 10. Prepare Interim Report No. 2 that documents the results of Tasks 7 through 9 and provides an updated work plan for the remainder of the project. This report is due no later than 12 months after approval of Phase I. The updated plan must describe the work proposed for Phases III and IV.
PHASE III—Guidebook Development
Task 11. Develop the guidebook according to the approved Interim Report No. 2.
Task 12. Prepare Interim Report No. 3 that documents the results of Task 11 no later than 6 months after approval of Phase II. The updated work plan must describe the work proposed for Phase IV.
PHASE IV—Final Products
Task 13. Present draft final deliverables to appropriate AASHTO technical committees for comments and propose any revisions to NCHRP.
Task 14. Prepare final deliverables including:
- a guidebook for quality management processes for 3D Model;
- a final report that documents the entire research effort;
- outreach materials including a presentation for future webinars;
- a stand-alone data dictionary and other resources for software developers; and
- a stand-alone technical memorandum titled “Implementation of Research Findings and Products.”
The draft deliverables are due no later than 2 months after approval of Phase III.
STATUS: Research in Progress