The National Academies

NCHRP Synthesis 20-05/Topic 54-18 [Final (Synthesis)]

Wintertime Pavement Maintenance Practices
[ NCHRP 20-05 (Synthesis of Information Related to Highway Practices) ]

  Project Data
Funds: $55,000
Authorization to Begin Work: 4/29/2022 -- estimated
Staff Responsibility: Jo Allen Gause
Research Agency: CTC and Associates
Principal Investigator: Chris Kline
Completion Date: 4/19/2024
Fiscal Year: 2023

Pavement maintenance is broadly classified into two categories: proactive and reactive. Proactive maintenance describes actions that are programmed to occur at a convenient time in terms of weather conditions, traffic, availability of personnel and equipment, or combinations thereof. The need for reactive maintenance, on the other hand, can occur at any time. Maintenance needs that arise during winter in adverse conditions but that nevertheless must be completed to maintain the safety and serviceability of roadways may be particularly challenging. The objective of this synthesis is to document current practice by state departments of transportation (DOTs) for reactive wintertime maintenance.

Information for this study was gathered through a literature review, a survey of state DOTs, and follow-up interviews with selected DOTs. Case examples of four state DOTs provide additional information on wintertime maintenance activities.

Christine Kline and Susan Johnson of CTC & Associates LLC collected and synthesized the information and wrote the report. The members of the topic panel are acknowledged on page iv. This synthesis is an immediately useful document that records practices that were acceptable within the limitations of the knowledge available at the time of its preparation. 

Completed report can be found at NCHRP Synthesis Report 623.

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