The National Academies

ACRP 01-34 [Final]

Developing Innovative Strategies for Aviation Education and Participation

  Project Data
Funds: $350,000
Research Agency: Mead & Hunt
Principal Investigator: Stephanie Ward
Effective Date: 9/21/2016
Completion Date: 9/28/2018

The aviation industry is a vital sector of the U.S. economy, yet participation in aviation as a career, for business, extracurricular activity, sport, and recreation has declined over the last decade. There are many causes for the decline, including a reduced interest in aviation among younger populations and other demographics and a lack of industry promotion. State and local aviation agencies are in a unique position to support the industry, and while some states have established robust outreach and educational programs, others lack the resources necessary to promote this important transportation asset. Industry groups also engage in educational and promotional programs. Currently, there is no single-source report summarizing these efforts, nor is there guidance to help state and local agencies develop and implement such efforts. Research is needed to provide guidance and supporting material (e.g., checklists, datasheets of practices, templates for brochures and presentations) for state agencies and local airports to promote interest and participation in the aviation industry.
The objective of this research is to prepare a guidebook and supporting material (e.g., checklists, datasheets of practices, templates for brochures and presentations) for state agencies and local airports to facilitate participation and education in aviation. The guidebook and supporting material should focus on reaching the 10- through 25-year-old age group and be geared toward helping develop and implement strategies for promoting aviation as a career, for business, extracurricular activity, sport, and recreation. 
The guidebook and supporting material should consider, at a minimum:
  • Emerging technologies and trends in aviation (e.g., airports, airspace, safety, and aircraft); and
  • Emerging technologies and trends in communication, education, and outreach (e.g., websites, mobile devices, social media, virtual classroom, simulation, standards-based education, project-based learning).

Research is complete.  Results were published in ACRP Research Report 202.

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