It is generally understood that Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) applications, such as variable/dynamic/changeable message signs, closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras, traffic monitoring stations, ramp meters, and Road Weather Information Systems (RWIS), help manage traffic and improve incident response, thus enhancing roadway safety. However, actual data, specifically crash reduction data resulting from ITS applications, are very limited. Research is needed to develop crash modification factors (CMFs) for the various, typically deployed ITS applications.
The objective of this research was to address a long-standing deficiency in safety related ITS data by developing (1) CMFs for commonly deployed ITS applications, independently and as a part of systems and (2) case studies of safety benefit/cost ratio calculations for such ITS applications. The CMFs shall be suitable for use by safety professionals in their analyses and shall meet at least a CMF Clearinghouse four-star quality rating.
Subaward expired. Partial deliverables will be made available.