The National Academies

ACRP 01-16 [Final]

Asset and Infrastructure Management for Airports

  Project Data
Funds: $400,000
Research Agency: GHD Consulting, Inc
Principal Investigator: Larissa James
Effective Date: 6/16/2010
Completion Date: 10/16/2011

Asset and infrastructure management is commonly used by organizations around the world to coordinate and oversee the safe, secure, and environmentally sound operation and maintenance of assets in a cost-effective manner. With the limited resources that airports are typically facing, airport managers are constantly looking for more efficient and effective ways to manage infrastructure over time. An asset and infrastructure management program can be one such tool. This type of systematic management approach promotes the efficient use of those resources in a proactive rather than reactive decision-making process, providing data and information in an integrated manner for the long-term preservation of the asset value.
It is likely that airports already have a systematic data and information process in use to some degree on some of their assets or types of assets. Examples can include pavement maintenance management programs or other computerized maintenance management systems. These data may not be available at the enterprise level, or they may not be formally managed. Many organizations, including airports, operate in a “silo” fashion where it is common that employees have developed their own data and information for the systems in which they are responsible without necessarily sharing access to those systems with other members of the organization.  Encouraging centralization of and access to these data can enhance the ability of the airport to make effective financial and strategic decisions. Research is needed in this area to provide airports with a holistic approach to asset and infrastructure management that includes physical, financial, and human resource assets.
The objectives of this research are to develop (1) a primer for executive-level decision makers at airports of all sizes that will provide an overview of an asset and infrastructure management program that discusses its components as well as benefits and costs based on experience with existing programs and (2) a guidebook that provides instruction in the development and implementation of an asset and infrastructure management program that (a) captures best management practices and (b) provides guidance in developing and incorporating asset and infrastructure management programs at airports of all sizes. 
(1). Conduct a review of all relevant literature, research, documents, white papers, case studies, and industry standards that pertain to asset and infrastructure management in aviation, other modes of transportation, and other industries. Prepare a bibliography based on this review. (2). Analyze, describe, organize, categorize, and summarize the information collected in Task 1 and its potential application to asset and infrastructure management at airports. Prepare a glossary of terms. (3). Prepare a detailed plan to gather asset and infrastructure management information that can be applied at airports. Such information, at a minimum, should include: (a) definitions; (b) components of an asset and infrastructure management program; (c) the different reasons why organizations have implemented asset and infrastructure management programs; (d) a review of overall benefits and costs of an asset and infrastructure management program; (e) proactive and creative approaches of asset and infrastructure management programs in organizations; (f) existing sources of information and data that can be found at airports; (g) best management practices from airports and other industries; (h) benefits and costs that are derived from each best management practice; and (i) lessons learned in developing and implementing an asset and infrastructure management program. (4). Execute the approved Task 3 plan. (5). Prepare an interim report that analyzes, describes, organizes, categorizes and summarizes the material collected in Tasks 1 through 4 and its applicability to asset and infrastructure management programs at airports. (6). Prepare detailed outlines of the primer for executive-level decision makers, and the guidebook. The primer should contain definitions, components of asset and infrastructure management, and general benefits and costs. The guidebook should have a minimum of two sections. The first section should discuss the various approaches that organizations have embraced when developing and implementing asset and infrastructure management program. The second section should focus on best management practices that are categorized by size of airport and should identify the benefit(s) of each management practice. (7). Prepare an initial draft of the primer and guidebook. (8). Prepare a final version of the primer and guidebook. In addition, prepare a final report that documents the research effort, explains and justifies recommendations, and provides background information used in the development of the primer and guidebook. Prepare a PowerPoint and/or other format that could be used in a TRB Webinar to discuss the primer and guidebook.
STATUS: The guidebook has been published as Report 69: Asset and Infrastructure Management for Airports-Primer and Guidebook.  A PowerPoint that can be used to present the benefits of a program to stakeholders is also available.

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