Tentative Scope
Airports continually focus on practical and functional needs of the airport environment to address exponential passenger growth. These problems may involve complex capital improvement projects like infrastructure development, or establish programs to address small-scale everyday issues, such as installing a liquid disposal prior to an airport security checkpoint. These programs and projects take time to envision, build consensus, and deliver, and most airports are utilizing a mix of approaches and team management methodologies to build and deliver within a demanding schedule and constrained budget. However, some airports have established a process to bring together a multi-disciplinary team (program or project team) to engage all stakeholder groups from the development to the completion of the project or program. Engaging a diverse team with a collaborative decision-making process provides a shared understanding of the issues and opportunities for all stakeholders. Airports of all sizes can benefit from understanding the process of establishing a multi-disciplinary team, including how airports identify responsibilities of each team member and keep the team engaged throughout the life of the project.
The objective of this synthesis is to document airport practice in assembling and maintaining a program or project team adaptable for small to large-scale projects.
Information to be described in a concise report includes (but is not limited to):
- a literature review that includes similar industry practices.
- structuring a program or project team and assembling and maintaining a successful team.
- how program and project teams can be applied in all phases of a project life (i.e. project planning, design, construction, and activation).
- communication strategies between team members.
- cost and benefits of a program or project team approach and difficulties airports have identified when using this approach.
- how to achieve buy-in from team members, stakeholders, and leadership
- case examples that highlight how airports structure their teams for different sized projects
Information will be collected through literature review, a survey of airports if applicable, and interviews with selected airports for the development of case examples. Knowledge gaps and suggestions for future research to address those gaps will also be identified.
Partial Information Sources
ACRP Report 196, Guidebook for Integrating Collaborative Partnering into Traditional Airport Practices (2019)
ACRP Synthesis 65, Practices to Develop Effective Stakeholder Relationships at Smaller Airports (2025)
ACRP Synthesis 113, Airport Workforce Programs Supporting Employee Well-Being (2020)