The National Academies

NCHRP 08-36/Task 076 [Final]

Conference on Best Practices in Meeting SAFETEA-LU Requirements in the Statewide Transportation Planning Process
[ NCHRP 08-36 (Research for the AASHTO Standing Committee on Planning) ]

  Project Data
Funds: $50,000
Research Agency: Aldaron, Inc.; Cambridge Systematics; Alan J. Horowitz
Principal Investigator: Various; see below
Completion Date: 11/21/2008
Comments: Completed.



The Transportation Research Board (TRB) sponsored a statewide planning conference in Atlanta, Georgia on September 3-5, 2008.  The conference, “Addressing Federal Surface Transportation Requirements in Statewide Transportation Planning" brought together state and local planning practioners to learn about and discuss current challenges and best practices in implementing the planning requirements of SAFETEA-LU.  This project produced 5 white papers designed initially to provide background materials for use by conference attendees during the conference.  The white papers were presented at the conference by their authors, and were subsequently revised to incorporate related information presented by other speakers as well as contributions from attendees.  The white papers may be found at the links listed below:


Task 76a:  The Explicit Consideration of Safety in the Transportation Planning Process:  Where Do We Go From Here?

Susan B. Herbel, Ph.D., Cambridge Systematics

Task 76b:  The Congestion Management Process of State and Metropolitan Transportation Planning

Erin Flanigan, P.E., Cambridge Systematics

Task 76c:  Statewide Travel Demand Forecasting

Alan J. Horowitz, Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee

Task 76d:  Fiscal Constraint or Fiscal Restraint?  Isssues of Compliance with Federal Requirements for STIPs, TIPs and Long Range Plans

Donald H. Camph, Aldaron, Inc.

Task 76e:  Performance-Based Needs Assessment

Joseph A. Guerre, P.E., Cambridge Systematics

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