The National Academies

NCHRP 20-65/Task 27 [Final]

Innovative Financing Techniques and Best Practices for Providing Match on Federal Transit Administration Projects
[ NCHRP 20-65 (Research for the AASHTO Standing Committee on Public Transportation) ]

  Project Data
Funds: $25,000
Research Agency: AECOM
Principal Investigator: Scott Baker
Effective Date: 2/28/2010
Completion Date: 7/11/2012
Comments: Completed.

This report documents and presents innovative financing techniques adopted by state and local agencies that allow them to broaden available sources of funds and provide them greater flexibility with their existing funds. Such techniques maximize the states’ ability to leverage available capital from federal, state, and local sources and effectively utilize existing funds. This report documents the results of an internet survey of state DOTs, a literature review of relevant published work in the area of transit economics and finance, and detailed telephone interviews with selected states that use innovative techniques. This report documents the list of innovative financing techniques used by the states with a description of the method and related background material that will prove beneficial to other states.

Disclaimer: This is an uncorrected draft as submitted by the Contractor. The opinions and conclusions expressed or implied herein are those of the Contractor. They are not necessarily those of the Transportation Research Board, The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, or the program sponsors.


Status: Completed

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