The National Academies

NCHRP 20-59(30)A [Final]

Incident Command System (ICS) Training for Field Level Transportation Supervisors and Staff

  Project Data
Funds: $197,115
Research Agency: San Jose State University
Principal Investigator: Dr. Frances L. Edwards
Effective Date: 7/11/2017
Completion Date: 12/30/2024

TRB's National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Web-Only Document 215: Incident Command System (ICS) Training for Field-Level Supervisors and Staff provides training materials and guidance for transportation field personnel to help their organizations operate safely in an emergency or traffic management event. This course is intended to review the basic ICS structures and terminologies aimed to ensure safety, personnel accountability, and support for the agency’s financial reimbursement efforts.

Instructors would benefit from downloading and reviewing the complete Document 215 while developing their approaches to teaching this course in their agencies. These materials are excerpted and presented in native format to enable instructors to customize the PPT shows, quick start cards and supervisor’s folder materials to best meet the needs of their agencies, and to comply with state laws and agency policies.

This product includes lesson plans, guidance on classroom set-up, complete slide shows with scripts or instructor prompts, instructions for creating materials and conducting sand table exercises and some information about training for adults.

Specifically, the materials include:

1. Eight videos that can be used in class to demonstrate ICS roles to students – joining an ICS, starting an ICS or having an ICS turned over to the DOT staff. They also include examples for the instructors in how to conduct sand table exercises as ICS training elements, and to create the supervisor’s folder, including how the quick start cards can be customized (Format: ISO of an MP4 file).
2. An Instructor Guide and Student Trainer Course Evaluation (Customizable; Format: ZIP file of Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, PDF files).
3. Briefing Training Scenarios, which contain a PPT show and script (Customizable; Format: ZIP file of Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint files)
4. Discussion-Based Training Scenarios, which contain an instructor's guide and student evaluation (Customizable; Format: ZIP file of Microsoft Word files)
5. ICS Quick Start Cards (Customizable; Format: Microsoft Word)
6. A Supervisor’s Folder, which includes a materials list and construction information (Format: Microsoft Word).

The course material provided in this project assumes that instructors have completed classes on delivering training to adults, have certificates in at least ICS 100, 200 and 300, and have some experience with ICS, at the field level or in an Emergency Operations Center (EOC). It is also assumed that instructors may have had experience working with a transportation agency in emergency planning or training, or as a field supervisor, and to have also completed ICS 400 and E/L449 ICS “Incident Command System Curricula TTT” courses.

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