The National Academies

NCHRP IDEA 20-30/IDEA 021 [Completed (IDEA)]

The Development of Light Emitting Delineation System
[ NCHRP 20-30 (NCHRP-IDEA) ]

  Project Data
Staff Responsibility: Dr. Inam Jawed

This project produced a multi-use light-emitting device with delineation and warning capabilities based on light-emitting diode (LED) technology (Figure 1). The LEDs have a much longer life span than conventional lamps and require less power to operate. The internal light source can be placed in different types of housings that would allow the device to be used as a delineator, raised pavement marker, or steady-burn/flashing warning light. The result is a device that requires less maintenance and is more flexible in its use. The development of a prototype traffic control device (TCD) involved design and construction of the internal hardware for the LED light source and different types of housing required for the TCD system. Results based on accelerated testing show that the LED light source concept works as expected and produces significant gains over conventional light sources (Figure 2). The system now needs to be tested by state highway agencies.  

The commercialization of the IDEA product is being explored. Various TCD manufacturers are being contacted. Because the light source and power controller are separate modules, that application of the active power management may be more attractive to manufacturers than the complete product. The final report is available from the National Technical Information Service (NTIS # PB97-143846).



The final report for this IDEA project can be found at:

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