The objective of this research was to develop a business plan for AASHTO’s Traffic Incident Management Technical Advisory Group (TIMTAG).
Task 1. Attend an upcoming STSMO meeting to capture current relevant discussions for the TIMTAG. At the STSMO meeting, conduct a small group meeting with the TIM Group Members to determine what the goals and objectives for the group are over the next 5 years. Interview members of the Highway Committee and STSMO leadership to determine what their goals and objectives are for the TIM Working Group and TIMTAG.
Task 2. Complete an environmental and institutional scan to document the relationship of the TIMTAG to STSMO and other AASHTO committees for opportunities for collaboration as well as for other national groups such as the TIM Network, TIM Executive Leadership Group (ELG), FHWA and others as identified. The work should result in a contextual definition of the TIMTAG that provides a high-level preliminary framework.
Task 3. Convene a workshop with representatives identified through the environmental and institutional scan to discuss the opportunities for collaboration and define the opportunities for partnership in the context of national TIM sustainability and institutionalization.
Task 4. Develop an initial two year business plan for the TIMTAG and a five year look ahead that frames possible work and initiatives to be completed, recognizing that the business plan should be derived from objectives and priorities as identified, in part, by the STSMO. This work should also result in an easy to use template that will be used by TIMTAG leadership on an annual basis to guide efforts. It is anticipated that the National Center of Excellence will become the primary partner of the STSMO and TIMTAG in defining future work plans.
Task 5. Present the findings at a future STSMO meeting and revise the plan and template as needed based on comments and feedback.