The National Academies

TCRP C-06A [Completed]

Demonstration of Improved Methods for Increasing Wheel/Rail Adhesion in the Presence of Natural Contaminants

  Project Data
Funds: $18,820
Research Agency: Vincent Terrill, Consultant
Principal Investigator: Vincent Terrill
Effective Date: 11/1/1997
Completion Date: 6/30/1998

The objectives of TCRP Project C-6, Improved Methods for Increasing Wheel/Rail Adhesion in the Presence of Natural Contaminants, were (1) to describe and evaluate current practices for the control of wheel/rail adhesion under conditions of railhead contamination by moisture, ice, leaves, and other vegetation and (2) to identify new or modified alternatives to sanding that show promise for improving wheel/rail adhesion under these conditions. The research effort focused on light rail and commuter rail operations.

In this initial research effort, several recommendations were made for the testing and demonstration of a number of devices that could potentially improve wheel/rail adhesion in the presence of natural contaminants.

The objective of TCRP Project C-6A was to field test one or more of these devices to determine their effectiveness in improving wheel/rail adhesion under conditions of railhead contamination by moisture, ice, leaves, and other vegetation.

Status: A total of $262,000 was originally available for this project. The project panel allocated $18,820 of the available project funds for further evaluation of potential demonstration options in this area. A final report providing the results of the evaluation was submitted and reviewed by the project panel. As a result of this review, the panel decided not to proceed with a demonstration project in this area.

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