The National Academies

TCRP D-12 [Final]

Ground-Borne Noise and Vibration in Buildings Caused by Rail Transit

  Project Data
Funds: $424,867
Research Agency: Acentech Incorporated
Principal Investigator: Jeff Zapfe
Effective Date: 9/16/2005
Completion Date: 11/30/2009

Ground-borne noise and vibration from rail transit systems can be a significant source of community intrusion. The annoying aspects caused by the resulting building vibration include perceptible vibration; audible noise re-radiated by vibrating room surfaces; and rattling of windows, pictures, and objects on shelves. Current criteria for acceptable levels of building vibration are based on American National Standard, ANSI S3.29-1983, "Guide to the Evaluation of Human Exposure to Vibration in Buildings" and International Organization for Standardization, ISO 2631-2:2003, "Mechanical Vibration and Shock -- Evaluation of Human Exposure to Whole-body Vibration -- Part 2: Vibration in Buildings (1 Hz to 80 Hz)" plus general practices and experience with new transit systems over the past 30 years. As stated in the ANSI guide, "There are many and complex factors determining human response to vibration, and a paucity of consistent quantitative data concerning man's perception of vibration and his reaction to it."

Current criteria for acceptable levels of building vibration have not been verified in independent field tests. Research is needed to measure human responses to ground-borne noise and vibration in buildings. Such research will provide a sound basis for feasible and reasonable vibration control measures. Rail system designers and mitigation specialists also need guidance on consideration of vibration-sensitive building uses (e.g., concert halls, recording studios) and research/medical activities (e.g., electron microscopy, laser surgery).

The objective of this research is to develop proposed criteria for acceptable levels of rail-transit-generated, ground-borne noise and vibration in buildings.

Status:  Published as TCRP Web-Only Document 48: Ground-Borne Noise and Vibration in Buildings Caused by Rail Transit.

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