This report documents a study to develop a transit advertising audience measurement model or methodology and presents a recommended approach for measuring the Opportunity to See advertising displayed on the exteriors of buses and other surface transit vehicles, as well as internal transit advertising displayed inside buses, railcars and transit stations. Fieldwork was conducted in three transit systems: Atlanta’s MARTA, Chicago’s CTA and Portland, Oregon’s TriMet, including tracking of bus exposures to other vehicle occupants, and rider intercept surveys. The report presents a series of methodologies for each component of transit advertising (bus exteriors, bus interiors, railcar interiors, station concourses and station platforms). The described methodologies include equations, sample calculations and sample worksheets. In addition, an eye-tracking study was conducted on the New York MTA subway and bus system to test two proposed approaches to estimating actual viewership scores. The report also presents a road map for full-scale implementation of transit advertising audience measurement.
STATUS: This report has been completed. Published as Web Only Document 57.