This research developed an asphalt-aggregate mixture analysis system (AAMAS) for the design of optimum paving mixtures based on performance-related criteria. These criteria encompass a wide variety of failure modes, e.g., fatigue cracking, thermal cracking, permanent deformation, moisture damage, age hardening, etc. The AAMAS is capable of accommodating conventional asphalt binders, modified asphalts, mixture modifiers, and the range of aggregate materials used in the United States. It is also capable of evaluating the mixtures under conditions analogous to those found in service, including a wide range of climate, traffic, and age factors. Excluded are open-graded friction courses and drainage layers. The analysis system includes such elements as the preparation of test specimens, conditioning of the specimens, testing the specimens, criteria for mixture selection, and a step-by-step mixture design procedure.
The research has been completed. The final report has been published as NCHRP Report 338, "Asphalt-Aggregate Mixture Analysis System (AAMAS)." Four workshops were conducted to introduce AAMAS to state highway agencies in the four AASHTO regions.