The National Academies

NCHRP 03-121 [Final]

Incorporating Freight, Transit, and Incident Response Stakeholders into Integrated Corridor Management (ICM): Processes and Strategies for Implementation

  Project Data
Funds: $400,000
Research Agency: Cambridge Systematics
Principal Investigator: Vassili Alexiadis
Effective Date: 7/5/2016
Completion Date: 7/5/2018

Integrated corridor management (ICM) is a relatively new congestion management approach that has been gaining interest for its potential to mitigate congestion with few changes to the existing transportation infrastructure.  The primary objective of any ICM system is to coordinate the assets and expertise of multiple stakeholders rather than have each one respond to related issues independently.  By integrating the management and operations of the corridor system, the complete corridor infrastructure may be better utilized, thus resulting in improved travel conditions in the target network.  A major goal of ICM is to optimize safety and mobility. Available capacity and utilization of the transportation network space is critical, especially during periods of high congestion. Each mode (freight, transit and highway), may or may not have available capacity. Research is needed on ICM techniques to support efficient use and balance demand on the multimodal network.
The objective of this research was to develop guidance for transportation decision makers to incorporate freight, transit, and incident response stakeholders into the integrated corridor management (ICM) process. ICM can range from simple to sophisticated and may continually change. The research will make use of existing FHWA and SHRP2 efforts, incorporating these and other efforts as needed. The guidance should address a broad range of operational and efficiency issues, including documented characteristics and potential approaches related to implementation of the ICM strategies such as, but not limited to the following:
   1.  Potential ICM Approaches: 
  • Model cooperative procedures and agreements for freight, transit, and incident response stakeholders;
  • Operational constraints and opportunities for freight, transit, and incident response;
  • Needs of non-motorized users;
  • Examples of potential ICM strategies for freight, transit, and incident response stakeholders; and
  • Evaluation methodologies for measuring the effectiveness of the freight, transit, and incident response incorporation into ICM.
   2.  Characteristics of Congestion
  • Non-recurring conditions (e.g., crashes, weather, special events, work zones);
  • Recurring conditions (e.g., peak period congestion, bottlenecks);
  • Prolonged conditions (e.g., planned construction, seasonal disruptions); and
  • Recommended performance measures for freight, transit, and incident response stakeholders.

Published as NCHRP Research Report 899 https://www.nap.edu/catalog/25867/broadening-integrated-corridor-management-stakeholders

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