Airport/Airline Use Agreements, and rates and charges methodologies, form the basic business model for financial operations and space management at many U.S. airports. With the continuing evolution of the aviation industry, both airlines and airports are looking for different economic models to address the challenges that they currently face. Understanding the wide range of approaches used at various airports and the implications of those varied approaches on airport and airline finances, relationships, and operations is the essence of optimizing their business and operating models in a dynamic environment.
The objective of this research is to develop a resource manual for airport and airline professionals that will (1) describe the current range of practices and characteristics of airport and airline relationships and their relative, underlying airport and airline business models; (2) identify and briefly summarize rates and charges policies and guidance; (3) identify, compare, and contrast airport and airline critical issues, objectives, and considerations inherent in airport/airline agreements or other business arrangements; and (4) identify and synthesize the trade-offs and linkages among the critical issues as they relate to common objectives for airport/airline negotiations.
Status: The final report was completed late-May 2009 and published as Report 36.