NCHRP Research Results Digest 314, State DOT Staff Resources for Administering Federal Public Transportation Programs (April 2007), identified issues with inadequate levels of in-house staffing for the management of transit grant programs and suggested an option of outsourcing transit grant management tasks. However, the study did not address the details necessary to successfully acquire and oversee those transit grant management tasks performed by contractors.
This research will identify strategies and techniques to successfully procure and supervise contractor performance of transit grant management tasks and projects. This research would also survey for transit grant management tasks currently outsourced by state DOTs as well as identify additional tasks that have the potential for outsourcing with successful outcomes.
STATUS: The final report was received in June 2014.
Disclaimer: This is an uncorrected draft as submitted by the Contractor. The opinions and conclusions expressed or implied herein are those of the Contractor. They are not necessarily those of the Transportation Research Board, The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, or the program sponsors.