The National Academies

TCRP D-09 [Final]

Transit Vehicles and Facilities on Streets and Highways

  Project Data
Funds: $349,969
Research Agency: Parsons Brinckerhoff Quade & Douglas, Inc
Principal Investigator: Charles Fuh
Effective Date: 11/1/2002
Completion Date: 4/30/2007

The absence of a single publication that provides guidance on the design of highways and streets to accommodate transit vehicles and facilities causes many state and local entities and transit agencies to set their own guidelines. Unfortunately, these guidelines are not necessarily consistent from state to state or municipality to municipality. In addition, the absence of guidelines makes it difficult for agencies to communicate basic design principles and practices to consultants when contracting for design work. Comprehensive guidelines for accommodating transit vehicles and facilities will be useful to public agencies in ensuring consistent, high-quality planning, design, and operation of transit facilities.

Also, a decision-making process is needed along with guidelines for selecting appropriate transit facilities to accommodate current and future transit demand--based on local conditions--in a manner that improves transit travel times and reliability.

This research builds on NCHRP Project 20-7/Task 135, Interim Geometric Design Guide for Transit Facilities on Highways and Streets--Phase I. The purpose of the Phase I study was to document the current state-of-the-art-guidelines and standards of practice that have emerged for streets and highways that accommodate bus transit facilities. (See Special Note F.)

The objective of this research was to develop a handbook providing: (1) comprehensive geometric design guidelines for accommodating transit vehicles and facilities on highways and streets and (2) a decision-making process and guidelines for selecting appropriate transit facilities to accommodate current and future transit demand--based on local conditions--in a manner that improves transit travel times and reliability. The handbook will include geometric guidelines associated with transit facilities on or immediately adjacent to streets and highways. This project built on and implemented recommendations from NCHRP Project 20-7/Task 135, Interim Geometric Design Guide for Transit Facilities on Highways and Streets--Phase I.

Status: The revised  final report is completed and will be published by The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO).

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