The National Academies

TCRP J-11/Task 40 [Final]

Homelessness: A Guide for Public Transportation

  Project Data
Funds: $100,000
Research Agency: TREC Portland State University
Principal Investigator: Marisa Zapata
Effective Date: 11/13/2020
Completion Date: 3/30/2023

A broad array of economic and social factors, physical and mental health conditions, and public policies contribute to increases in the numbers of people experiencing homelessness, for short and long periods of time, in the United States. Public transportation systems are faced with significant increases in the number of people experiencing homelessness, including people using public transportation services and facilities as shelters. TCRP Project J-11/Task 40 is not intended to resolve the underlying influences that give rise to homelessness in our society and recognizes that these drivers are beyond the control of public transportation agencies. Rather, this project is intended to help public transportation agencies preserve the quality of their services and facilities, while respecting the rights and mobility needs of those experiencing homelessness, including the need for safe places.  
In 2016 TCRP published Synthesis 121, Transit Agency Practices in Interacting with People Who Are Homeless.  The Synthesis included a state of the practice review and (3) six case examples of public transit agencies that present challenges, solutions, partnerships and lessons learned based on interviews with individuals involved with policies and outreach to individuals who are homeless. Many public transportation agencies are cognizant of their respective region’s homeless population.
The objective of this research is to develop a guide for public transportation agencies and concerned stakeholders on effective approaches and best practices that are responsive to those who are experiencing homelessness.
The research is completed. TCRP Report 242 has been released and is available here.

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