Task 76, FY 1996, "Installation of Fiber Optic Facilities on Highway and Freeway Rights of Way" (Dr. Susan Jakubiak). Current legislation in the field of telecommunication enables agencies at the state and local level who own rights of way to receive compensation for this use. Additionally, there is some level of authority granted to the FCC to preempt state and local laws and regulations that unreasonably retard or preclude this use of transportation rights of way. AASHTO has a long-standing policy opposing the use of freeway rights of way for the longitudinal placement of utilities. While there is strong sentiment to retain this policy regarding pipelines and electric transmission facilities, there is a distinction in regard to fiber optics. This project produced guidance that has been published by AASHTO as "Guidance on Sharing Freeway and Highway Rights-of-Way for Telecommunications." (NCHRP Staff: B.R. Derr)