The National Academies

NCHRP 12-33A [Completed]

Development of a Comprehensive Bridge Specification and Commentary---Timber Structures and Code Calibration

  Project Data
Funds: $60,000
Research Agency: Sensei Engineers
Principal Investigator: Dr. Andrzej Nowak
Effective Date: 9/19/1988
Completion Date: 12/31/1990

NCHRP Project 12-33 was initiated in mid-1988 with the objective of developing specifications for bridge design based on the load and resistance factor design philosophy that can be recommended to AASHTO for consideration for adoption. (See Project 12-33 writeup for more detail.) A number of agencies and individuals were employed during the course of the project for various tasks and responsibilities.

The agency employed on Project 12-33A was directed by the Principal Investigator on Project 12-33, Dr. John Kulicki. Sensei Engineers was responsible for coordinating the activities of the task groups on wood design and specification calibration. However, the contract for Sensei Engineers was terminated in December 1990, and the responsibility for the work was transferred to Dr. Nowak acting as a consultant to the Transportation Research Board.

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