Project Number Project Title Stage Comments
NCHRP 10-100Procedures and Guidelines for Validating Contractor Test DataFinal
NCHRP 10-101Improving Mid-Term, Intermediate, and Long-Range Cost Forecasting: Guidance for State Departments of TransportationFinal
NCHRP 10-102A Guidebook for Risk-Based Construction InspectionFinalThe final deliverables have been published as NCHRP Research Report 1039 and NCHRP Web-Only Document 344
NCHRP 10-103Improving Guidance of AASHTO R 80/ASTM C 1778 for Alkali-Silica Reactivity (ASR) Potential and Mitigation Final
NCHRP 10-104Recommendations for Revision of AASHTO M 295 Standard Specification to Include Marginal and Unconventional Source Coal Fly Ashes Final
NCHRP 10-105Verification of Traffic Speed Deflection Devices’ (TSDDs) MeasurementsCompleted
NCHRP 10-106Update of AASHTO Standard Practice for Certification of Inertial Profiling Systems (R 56)Completed
NCHRP 10-107Guide for Implementing Performance SpecificationsCompletedExpired.
NCHRP 10-108Manual for Incorporating Nondestructive Testing (NDT) in Quality Assurance of Highway Pavement ConstructionFinal
NCHRP 10-109Modern Solutions to Safe and Efficient Work Zone TravelCompletedResearch is complete. Publication decision is pending.
NCHRP 10-1103D Modeling Guide for Construction InspectionFinalContinued under NCHRP 10-110A.
NCHRP 10-110AGuide to Using 3D Models for Construction Inspection ActiveResearch is progress.
NCHRP 10-111Guide for 3D Model Viewers for Construction InspectionActiveResearch in progress.
NCHRP 10-112Guide for Remote Virtual Inspection for Highway Construction Infrastructure ProjectsActiveResearch in progress.
NCHRP 10-113Quality Management for 3D Model-Based Project Development and DeliveryActiveResearch In Progress
NCHRP 10-114Developing Performance and Safety Specifications for Rejuvenating SealsActiveResearch in progress.
NCHRP 10-115Guide on Progressive Design-Build for Transportation ProjectsActiveResearch in progress.
NCHRP 10-116Quantifying Variability in Quality Characteristics of PavementsActive
NCHRP 10-117Design and Repair of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Concrete Bridge BarriersActive
NCHRP 10-118Effective Timelines and Contractual Strategies for Accelerated Bridge Construction ProjectsActiveResearch In Progress
NCHRP 10-119Guidance for Implementing Utility Investigations in Alignment with Project DeliveryActive
NCHRP 10-120Guide for Incorporating Right-of-Way and Utilities into Value Engineering StudiesActiveResearch in progress.
NCHRP 10-121Guidelines for the Application of Ground Modification Methods for Highway StructuresActiveResearch In Progress
NCHRP 10-122Cost Estimating Practices for Highway ProjectsActiveResearch in progress.
NCHRP 10-123Incorporating Quality Assurance into Green Public Procurement Practices Active
NCHRP 10-124Development of a Field Test to Determine Chip Seal Aggregate EmbedmentActiveResearch in progress.
NCHRP 10-125Update Bridge Construction RequirementsActiveResearch In Progress
NCHRP 10-126Field-Cured Products and Water Quality: A Guide for Screening and Risk MitigationActive
NCHRP 10-127Impact of Bolt Holes on the Performance of Steel GirdersActiveResearch In Progress
NCHRP 10-128Multiple-Sensor Weigh-In-Motion Systems to Enhance Data Accuracy and ReliabilityActiveResearch is progress.
NCHRP 10-129Field Studies of Steel Girder Fit-UpActiveResearch In Progress
NCHRP 10-13Ultrasonic Measurement of Weld Flaw SizeCompleted
NCHRP 10-130Guide for Using Alternative Contracting Methods for Small Highway ProjectsActive
NCHRP 10-131Laboratory Test Method for Estimating the Contribution of Geosynthetics to Pavement PerformancePending
NCHRP 10-132Understanding the Interaction Between Total Scour ComponentsActiveResearch In Progress
NCHRP 10-133Research Plan for Assessing Friction of Pavement MarkingsActiveResearch In Progress
NCHRP 10-134Guidelines for the Selection of Performance-Related Tests for the Acceptance of Preservation TreatmentsPending
NCHRP 10-135Guide for Subsurface Utility Engineering and Digital As-Built Data ManagementPendingContract pending at this time.
NCHRP 10-136Right-of-Way and Utility Risk Identification and ManagementPendingContract pending at this time.
NCHRP 10-137Movable Bridge Construction RequirementsActiveResearch In Progress
NCHRP 10-138Guide for Early Right-of-Way Engineering InvolvementPendingContract pending at this time.
NCHRP 10-139Enhancing Pavement Management GuidanceActiveResearch In Progress
NCHRP 10-140Guide for Right-of-Way Management with a Utility AwarenessPendingContract pending at this time.
NCHRP 10-141Guide for Digital Project Delivery: Integrating Design and ConstructionRFP
NCHRP 10-142Guide for Integrating Digital Construction Inspection TechnologiesRFP
NCHRP 10-143Field Verification Processes for Utility Installation and Relocation: A GuideRFP
NCHRP 10-144Rightsizing Pay Factors to Incentivize Quality Highway ConstructionAnticipatedIn development
NCHRP 10-145Asphalt Emulsion-Based High Friction Surface TreatmentsRFP
NCHRP 10-146Quality Assurance Procedures for Traffic Speed Deflection DevicesRFP
NCHRP 10-17Use of Antistripping Additives in Asphaltic Concrete MixturesCompleted
NCHRP 10-20Elastomeric Bearings Design, Construction, and MaterialsCompleted
NCHRP 10-20AHigh-Load, Multi-Rotational Bridge Bearings: Design, Materials, and ConstructionCompleted
NCHRP 10-22The Performance of Weathering Steel in BridgesCompleted
NCHRP 10-25AInstantaneous Determination of Water-Cement Ratio in Fresh ConcreteCompleted
NCHRP 10-26Performance-Related Specifications for Hot-Mix Asphaltic ConcreteCompleted
NCHRP 10-27Determination of Asphaltic Concrete Pavement Structural Properties by Nondestructive TestingCompleted
NCHRP 10-29Anchorage Zone Reinforcement for Post-Tensioned Concrete GirdersCompleted
NCHRP 10-30(3)Nondestructive Methods for Field Inspection of Embedded or Encased High Strength Steel Rods and CablesCompleted
NCHRP 10-31Acceptance Criteria for Steel Bridge WeldsCompleted
NCHRP 10-32ADurability Testing of High-Strength Concrete Containing High-Range Water-Reducing AdmixturesCompleted
NCHRP 10-33Potential Benefits of Geosynthetics in Flexible Pavement SystemsCompleted
NCHRP 10-34Transient Protection, Grounding, and Shielding of Electronic Traffic Control EquipmentFinal
NCHRP 10-35Fatigue Behavior of Welded and Mechanical Splices in Reinforcing SteelCompleted
NCHRP 10-36Evaluation of Weldments Incorporating Backing MaterialsCompleted
NCHRP 10-37Performance of Epoxy-Coated Reinforcing Steel in Highway BridgesCompleted
NCHRP 10-37APerformance of Epoxy-Coated Reinforcing Steel--Laboratory TestingCompleted
NCHRP 10-37BA Protocol for the Evaluation of Existing Bridges Containing Epoxy-Coated Reinforcing SteelCompleted
NCHRP 10-37CRepair and Rehabilitation of Bridge Components Containing Epoxy-Coated ReinforcementCompleted
NCHRP 10-38Fatigue-Resistant Design of Cantilevered Signal, Sign, and Light SupportsCompleted
NCHRP 10-38(2)Fatigue-Resistant Design of Cantilevered Signal, Sign, and Light Supports Completed
NCHRP 10-39Construction Testing and Inspection LevelsCompleted
NCHRP 10-39ATesting and Inspection Levels for Hot-Mix Asphaltic Concrete OverlaysCompleted
NCHRP 10-40Plasma Arc Cutting of Bridge SteelsCompleted
NCHRP 10-41Evaluation of Unbonded Portland Cement Concrete OverlaysCompleted
NCHRP 10-42Constructibility Review Process for Transportation FacilitiesCompleted
NCHRP 10-43Movable Bridge Inspection, Evaluation, and MaintenanceCompleted
NCHRP 10-44Nondestructive Testing to Determine Insitu Material Properties of Pavement LayersCompleted
NCHRP 10-44ADetermination of Insitu Material Properties of Asphalt Concrete Pavement LayersCompleted
NCHRP 10-45Procedures for Evaluating Corrosion-Inhibiting Admixtures for Structural ConcreteCompleted
NCHRP 10-46Corrosion of Steel Piling in Nonmarine ApplicationsCompleted
NCHRP 10-47Guidelines for Longitudinal Pavement Profile MeasurementCompleted
NCHRP 10-48Assessing Pavement Layer Condition Using Deflection DataCompleted
NCHRP 10-49Improved Contracting Methods for Highway Construction ProjectsCompleted
NCHRP 10-50Strategies for Rehabilitating Rigid Pavements Subjected to High-Traffic Volumes Completed
NCHRP 10-50AGuidelines for Selecting Strategies for Rehabilitating Rigid Pavements Subjected to High-Traffic VolumesCompleted
NCHRP 10-51Performance-Related Specifications for Elastomeric Bridge BearingsCompleted
NCHRP 10-52Performance Tests for Modular Bridge JointsCompleted
NCHRP 10-53Condition Evaluation of Prestressed Steel Strands in Concrete BridgesCompleted
NCHRP 10-54Quality-Based Performance Rating of Contractors for Prequalification and Bidding PurposesCompleted
NCHRP 10-55Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites for Concrete Bridge Deck Reinforcement Completed
NCHRP 10-56Accelerated Pavement Testing: Data GuidelinesCompleted
NCHRP 10-57Structural Safety Evaluation Guidelines for Suspension Bridge Parallel-Wire CablesCompleted
NCHRP 10-58Construction Engineering and Management Research ProgramCompleted
NCHRP 10-58(01)Time-Related Incentive and Disincentive Provisions in Highway Construction ContractsCompletedNCHRP Report 652 Time-Related Incentive and Disincentive Provisions in Highway Construction Contracts.
NCHRP 10-58(02)Using Contractor-Performed Tests in Quality AssuranceCompletedNCHRP Research Results Digest 323: Using the Results of Contractor-Performed Tests in Quality Assurance
NCHRP 10-59AConstruction Specifications for Bonded Repair and Retrofit of Concrete Structures Using FRP CompositesCompleted
NCHRP 10-60Avoiding Delays in Constructing Highway Projects (CANCELED)Completed
NCHRP 10-61Best-Value Procurement Methods for Highway Construction ProjectsCompletedNCHRP Report 561: Best-Value Procurement Methods for Highway Construction Projects
NCHRP 10-62Acceptance Tests for Surface Characteristics of Steel Strands in Pre-Stressed ConcreteCompletedThe project final report is available as NCHRP Report 621.
NCHRP 10-63Heat-Straightening Repair of Damaged Steel Bridge Girders: Fatigue and Fracture PerformanceCompletedThe project final report is available as NCHRP Report 604.
NCHRP 10-64Field Inspection of In-Service FRP Bridge DecksCompleted
NCHRP 10-65Nondestructive Testing Technology for Quality Control and Acceptance of Flexible Pavement ConstructionCompletedThe project final report is available as NCHRP Report 626, NDT Technology for Quality Assurance of HMA Pavement Construction.
NCHRP 10-66Predicting In-Service Performance of Flexible Pavements from Accelerated Pavement TestingCompleted
NCHRP 10-67Texturing of Concrete PavementsCompleted
NCHRP 10-68Guidelines for the Use of Highway Pavement WarrantiesCompletedNCHRP Report 699: Guidelines for the Use of Highway Pavement Warranties
NCHRP 10-69Guidelines for Dowel Alignment in Concrete PavementsCompleted
NCHRP 10-70Cost-Effective Connection Details for Highway Sign, Luminaire, and Traffic Signal StructuresFinal
NCHRP 10-71Evaluation of CIP Reinforced Joints for Full-Depth Precast Concrete Bridge Decks Final
NCHRP 10-72Bridge Deck Design Criteria and Testing ProceduresCompleted
NCHRP 10-73Guide Specification for the Design of Externally Bonded FRP Systems for Repair and Strengthening of Concrete Bridge ElementsCompleted
NCHRP 10-74Development of Fatigue Loading and Design Methodology for High-Mast Lighting PolesFinalPublished as NCHRP Report 718
NCHRP 10-75Guide for Pavement-Type SelectionCompleted
NCHRP 10-76Methodologies for Evaluating Pavement Strategies and Barriers for Noise MitigationCompleted
NCHRP 10-77Use of Automated Machine Guidance (AMG) within the Transportation IndustryFinal
NCHRP 10-78Nighttime Construction Impacts on Safety, Quality, and ProductivityCompletedNCHRP Report 726: A Guidebook for Nighttime Construction: Impacts on Safety, Quality, and Productivity
NCHRP 10-79Guidelines for Quality-Related Pay Adjustment Factors for PavementsCompleted
NCHRP 10-80New Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaires, and Traffic Signals Final
NCHRP 10-81Fuel Usage Factors in Highway and Bridge ConstructionCompletedThe project final report is available as NCHRP Report 744.
NCHRP 10-82Performance-Related Specifications for Pavement Preservation Treatments - Phase ICompleted
NCHRP 10-82APerformance-Related Specifications for Pavement Preservation TreatmentsCompleted
NCHRP 10-83Alternative Quality Management Systems for Highway ConstructionFinalCompleted. Published as NCHRP Report 808..
NCHRP 10-84Modulus-Based Construction Specification for Compaction of Earthwork and Unbound AggregateCompleted
NCHRP 10-85A Guidebook for Construction Manager-at-Risk Contracting for Highway ProjectsFinalCompleted. The Contractor's Final Report was published by AASHTO.
NCHRP 10-86Bidding Alternative Drainage Pipe SystemsCompleted
NCHRP 10-86ASoftware for Bidding Alternative Drainage Pipe SystemsCompleted
NCHRP 10-87Precision Statements for AASHTO Standard Methods of TestCompleted
NCHRP 10-88Developing Precision and Bias Statements for AASHTO Standard Methods of Test TP 98 and TP 99Completed
NCHRP 10-89Best Practices Guidebook for Optimal Construction InspectionCompletedProject terminated. No report.
NCHRP 10-91ASustainable Highway Construction PracticesFinal
NCHRP 10-92Optimizing the Risk and Cost of Materials QA ProgramsCompleted
NCHRP 10-93Measuring, Characterizing, and Reporting Pavement Roughness of Low-Speed and Urban RoadsCompleted
NCHRP 10-94Mitigation of Weldment Cracking of Highway Steel Structures due to the Galvanizing ProcessFinal
NCHRP 10-95Toughness Requirements for Heat-Affected Zones of Welded Structural Steels for Highway Bridges - Phase ICompleted
NCHRP 10-95AToughness Requirements for Heat-Affected Zones of Welded Structural Steels for Highway BridgesCompleted
NCHRP 10-96Guide for Civil Integrated Management (CIM) in Departments of TransportationFinal
NCHRP 10-97Detection and Remediation of Soluble Salt Contamination Prior to Coating Steel Highway StructuresCompleted
NCHRP 10-98Protocols for Network-Level Macrotexture MeasurementFinalFinal report published as NCHRP Research Report 964.
NCHRP 10-99Guidebook for Implementing Constructability Across the Entire Project Development Process: NEPA to Final DesignFinalPublished as NCHRP WOD 388.