TCRP H-01 | An Evaluation of the Relationships Between Transit and Urban Form | Completed | |
TCRP H-02 | Measuring and Valuing Transit Benefits and Disbenefits | Completed | |
TCRP H-03 | Policy Options to Attract Auto Users to Public Transportation | Completed | |
TCRP H-04 | Transit Policy-Related Research | Completed | |
TCRP H-04A | Strategies for Influencing Choice of Urban Travel Mode | Completed | |
TCRP H-04B | Transit Markets of the Future--The Challenge of Change | Completed | |
TCRP H-04C | Institutional Barriers to Intermodal Policies and Planning in Metropolitan Areas | Completed | |
TCRP H-04D | The Role of Transit in Creating Livable Metropolitan Communities | Completed | |
TCRP H-04D(2) | The Role of Street Design and Traffic Management in Supporting Transit and Livable Communities | Completed | |
TCRP H-04E | Sustainable Transportation | Completed | |
TCRP H-05 | Identification of Research Needs to Increase U.S. Transit Ridership | Completed | |
TCRP H-06 | Transit Fare-Pricing Strategy in Regional Transportation Systems | Completed | |
TCRP H-07 | Funding Strategies for Public Transportation | Completed | |
TCRP H-08 | Using Public Transportation to Reduce the Economic, Social, and Human Costs of Personal Immobility | Completed | |
TCRP H-09 | Economic Impact Analysis of Transit Investments | Completed | |
TCRP H-10 | The Costs of Sprawl--Revisited | Completed | |
TCRP H-11 | Assessment of the Economic Impacts of Rural Public Transportation | Completed | |
TCRP H-12 | Integrated Urban Models for Simulation of Transit and Land-Use Policies | Completed | |
TCRP H-13A | Consequences of the Development of the Interstate Highway System | Completed | |
TCRP H-13B | Trends in Single-Occupant Vehicles and Vehicle Miles of Travel Growth in the United States | Completed | |
TCRP H-14 | National Policies and Attitudes Affecting Public Transit: An International Comparison | Completed | |
TCRP H-15 | Projects to Support "Mobility for the 21st Century" | Completed | |
TCRP H-15A | Welfare to Work: Integration and Coordination of Transportation and Social Services | Completed | |
TCRP H-16 | A National Transit Industry Labor-Management Cooperation Program: New Paradigms for Labor-Management Relations in the Transit Industry of the 21st Century | Completed | Completed; Three workshops conducted |
TCRP H-19 | Guidebook to Estimate and Present Benefits and Disbenefits of Public Transit | Completed | |
TCRP H-20 | Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Welfare to Work Transportation Planning and Service Delivery | Completed | |
TCRP H-21 | Combating Global Warming Through Sustainable Surface Transportation Policy | Completed | |
TCRP H-21A | Combating Global Warming Through Sustainable Surface Transportation Policy | Completed | |
TCRP H-24 | Public Transit Boards: Organizations and Characteristics | Completed | |
TCRP H-24A | Assessing the Effectiveness of Public Transportation Boards | Completed | |
TCRP H-25 | Strategies for Increasing the Effectiveness of Commuter Choice Programs | Completed | |
TCRP H-25A | Strategies for Increasing the Effectiveness of Commuter Choice Programs | Completed | |
TCRP H-26 | Economic Benefits of Coordinating Human Service Transportation and Transit Services | Completed | |
TCRP H-27 | Transit-Oriented Development: State of the Practice, and Future Benefits | Completed | |
TCRP H-27A | Ensuring Full Potential Ridership from Transit-Oriented Development | Final | |
TCRP H-28 | Uses of Archived AVL/APC Data to Improve Transit Performance and Management | Completed | |
TCRP H-29 | A New Vision of Mobility: Guidance to Foster Collaborative Multimodal Decision Making | Completed | |
TCRP H-30 | Strategies to Increase Coordination of Transportation Services for the Transportation Disadvantaged | Completed | |
TCRP H-31 | Understanding How Individuals Make Travel and Location Decisions: Implications for Public Transportation | Final | |
TCRP H-32 | Determining the Elements Needed to Create High-Ridership Transit Systems | Final | |
TCRP H-33 | State and National Transit Investment Analysis: Quick-Response Analyses for SAFETEA-LU Commissions | Final | |
TCRP H-34 | Local and Regional Funding Mechanisms for Public Transportation | Final | |
TCRP H-35 | Role of Public Transportation in Emergency Evacuation (Supplement to SAFETEA-LU NAS/TRB Policy Study) | Completed | |
TCRP H-36 | Reinventing the Interstate: A 'New Paradigm' for Multimodal Transportation Facilities | Final | |
TCRP H-37 | Characteristics of Premium Transit Services that Affect Choice of Mode | Final | |
TCRP H-38 | Developing, Enhancing, and Sustaining Tribal Transit Services | Completed | |
TCRP H-39 | Methodology for Determining the Economic Development Impacts of Transit Investments | Completed | |
TCRP H-40 | Guidelines for Ferry Transportation Services--A National Overview | Completed | |
TCRP H-41 | Assessing and Comparing Environmental Performance of Major Transit Investments | Final | |
TCRP H-42 | Making Effective Fixed-Guideway Transit Investments: Indicators of Success | Completed | |
TCRP H-43 | Transforming Public Transportation Institutional and Business Models | Completed | |
TCRP H-44 | Developing Partnerships Between Transportation Agencies and the Disability and Underrepresented Communities | Final | Completed--Published as TCRP Research Results Digest 107 |
TCRP H-45 | Livable Transit Corridors: Methods, Metrics, and Strategies | Final | |
TCRP H-46 | Quantifying Transit’s Impact on GHG Emissions and Energy Use: The Land Use Component | Final | |
TCRP H-47 | Linking Transit Agencies and Land Use Decisionmaking | Final | |
TCRP H-49 | Improving Transit Integration Among Multiple Transit Providers | Completed | |
TCRP H-50 | Local Economic Development Measurement Tool for Transit | Final | |
TCRP H-51 | Understanding Changes in Demographics, Preferences, and Markets for Public Transportation | Final | |
TCRP H-52 | Decision-Making Toolbox to Plan and Manage Park-and-Ride Facilities for Public Transportation | Final | |
TCRP H-53 | Tools for a Sustainable Transit Agency | Final | |
TCRP H-54 | Guide to Equity Analysis in Regional Transportation Planning Processes | Final | Completed. Published as TCRP Research Report 214 Vol. 1 & Vol. 2. |
TCRP H-55 | Guidebook and Research Plan to Help Communities Improve Transportation to Health Care Services | Final | |
TCRP H-56 | Redesigning Public Transportation Networks for a New Mobility Future | Final | |
TCRP H-57 | Guide to Joint Development for Public Transportation Agencies | Completed | |
TCRP H-58 | Prioritization of Public Transportation Investments | Final | |
TCRP H-61 | A Guide for Resilient Zero-Emission Transit Bus Fleets | Active | |
TCRP H-62 | Innovative Toolkit for Quantifying Rural Transit Benefits | Pending | In contracting |
TCRP H-63 | Measures of Transit Ambassador and Outreach Program Effectiveness | Anticipated | In development |