Project Number Project Title Stage Comments
NCHRP 09-06(01)Asphalt-Aggregate Mixture Analysis System (AAMAS)Completed
NCHRP 09-07Field Procedures and Equipment to Implement SHRP Asphalt SpecificationsCompleted
NCHRP 09-08Designing Stone Matrix Asphalt MixturesCompleted
NCHRP 09-09Refinement of the Superpave Gyratory Compaction ProcedureCompleted
NCHRP 09-09(1)Verification of Gyration Levels in the Ndesign TableCompleted
NCHRP 09-10Superpave Protocols for Modified Asphalt BindersCompleted
NCHRP 09-11Segregation in Hot-Mix Asphalt PavementsCompleted
NCHRP 09-12Incorporation of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement in the Superpave SystemCompleted
NCHRP 09-13Evaluation of Water Sensitivity TestsCompleted
NCHRP 09-14Investigation of the Restricted Zone in the Superpave Aggregate Gradation SpecificationCompleted
NCHRP 09-15Quality Characteristics and Test Methods for Use in Performance-Related Specifications of Hot-Mix Asphalt PavementsCompleted
NCHRP 09-16Relationship Between Superpave Gyratory Compaction Properties and Permanent Deformation of Pavements in ServiceCompleted
NCHRP 09-17Accelerated Laboratory Rutting Tests: Asphalt Pavement AnalyzerCompleted
NCHRP 09-18Field Shear Test for Hot Mix AsphaltCompleted
NCHRP 09-19Superpave Support and Performance Models ManagementCompleted
NCHRP 09-20Performance-Related Specifications for Hot-Mix Asphalt ConstructionCompleted
NCHRP 09-21Advisory Structure for Superpave Implementation and Related ResearchCompleted
NCHRP 09-22Beta Testing and Validation of HMA PRSCompletedThe project final report is available as NCHRP Report 704.
NCHRP 09-22AEvaluation of the Quality-Related Specification Software (QRSS) Version 1.0Completed
NCHRP 09-22BComparing HMA Dynamic Modulus Measured by Axial Compression and IDT MethodsCompleted
NCHRP 09-23Environmental Effects in Pavement Mix and Structural Design SystemsCompleted
NCHRP 09-23AImplementing a National Catalog of Subgrade Soil-Water Characteristic Curve (SWCC) Default Inputs for Use with the MEPDGCompleted
NCHRP 09-23BIntegrating the National Database of Subgrade Soil-Water Characteristic Curves and Soil Index Properties With the MEPDGCompleted
NCHRP 09-25Requirements for Voids in Mineral Aggregate for Superpave MixturesCompleted
NCHRP 09-26Precision Statements for AASHTO T312 and other Laboratory Test MethodsCompleted
NCHRP 09-26AData Mining and Interlaboratory Studies to Prepare Precision Statements for AASHTO StandardsCompletedWork of this type for the AASHTO Highway Subcommittee on Materials is now conducted in NCHRP Project 10-87.
NCHRP 09-27Relationships of HMA In-Place Air Voids, Lift Thickness, and PermeabilityCompleted
NCHRP 09-29Simple Performance Tester for Superpave Mix DesignCompleted
NCHRP 09-30Experimental Plan for Calibration and Validation of HMA Performance Models for Mix and Structural DesignCompleted
NCHRP 09-30ACalibration of Rutting Models for HMA Structural and Mix DesignCompletedThe project final report is available as NCHRP Report 719.
NCHRP 09-31Air Void Requirements for Superpave Mix DesignCompleted
NCHRP 09-33A Mix Design Manual for Hot Mix AsphaltCompletedThe mix design manual is available as NCHRP Reports 673 and 714.
NCHRP 09-33AAdapting SPT Specification Criteria to HMA Mix DesignCompletedThe final report is available as NCHRP Web-Only Document 157.
NCHRP 09-34Improved Conditioning Procedure for Predicting the Moisture Susceptibility of HMA PavementsCompleted
NCHRP 09-35Aggregate Properties and Their Relationship to the Performance of Superpave-Designed HMA: A Critical ReviewCompleted
NCHRP 09-36Improved Procedure for Laboratory Aging of Asphalt Binders in PavementsCompletedThe project final report is available as NCHRP Project 709.
NCHRP 09-37Using Surface Energy Measurements To Select Materials for Asphalt PavementsCompleted
NCHRP 09-38Endurance Limit of Hot Mix Asphalt Mixtures to Prevent Fatigue Cracking in Flexible PavementsCompletedThe project final report is available as NCHRP Report 646.
NCHRP 09-39Procedure for Determining Mixing and Compaction Temperatures of Asphalt Binders in Hot Mix AsphaltCompletedThe project final report is available as NCHRP Report 648.
NCHRP 09-40Optimization of Tack Coat for HMA PlacementCompletedThe project final report is available as NCHRP Report 712.
NCHRP 09-41Performance and Maintenance of Permeable Friction CoursesCompleted
NCHRP 09-42History of Superpave: Documenting the Research Program and Implementation ProcessCompletedThe project final report is available as NCHRP Web-Only Document 186.
NCHRP 09-43Mix Design Practices for Warm Mix AsphaltCompletedThe project final report is available as NCHRP Reports 691 and 714.
NCHRP 09-44Developing a Plan for Validating an Endurance Limit for HMA PavementsCompleted
NCHRP 09-44AValidating an Endurance Limit for HMA Pavements: Laboratory Experiment and Algorithm DevelopmentCompletedThe project final report is available as NCHRP Report 762.
NCHRP 09-45Test Methods and Specification Criteria for Mineral Filler Used in HMACompletedA summary of the project final report is available as NCHRP Research Results Digest 357.
NCHRP 09-46Improved Mix Design, Evaluation, and Materials Management Practices for Hot Mix Asphalt with High Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement ContentCompletedThe project final report is available as NCHRP Report 752.
NCHRP 09-47Engineering Properties, Emissions, and Field Performance of Warm Mix Asphalt TechnologiesCompletedPhase II of this project will be accomplished as NCHRP Project 9-47A.
NCHRP 09-47AProperties and Performance of Warm Mix Asphalt TechnologiesCompleted
NCHRP 09-48Field versus Laboratory Volumetrics and Mechanical PropertiesCompleted
NCHRP 09-49Performance of WMA Technologies: Stage I--Moisture SusceptibilityCompletedThe project final reports are available as NCHRP Reports 763 and 817.
NCHRP 09-49APerformance of WMA Technologies: Stage II--Long-Term Field PerformanceCompleted
NCHRP 09-50Performance-Related Specifications for Asphaltic Binders Used in Preservation Surface TreatmentsCompleted
NCHRP 09-51Material Properties of Cold In-Place Recycled and Full-Depth Reclamation Asphalt Concrete for Pavement DesignCompleted
NCHRP 09-52Short-Term Laboratory Conditioning of Asphalt MixturesCompleted
NCHRP 09-53Properties of Foamed Asphalt for Warm Mix Asphalt ApplicationsCompleted
NCHRP 09-54Long-Term Aging of Asphalt Mixtures for Performance Testing and PredictionCompleted
NCHRP 09-55Recycled Asphalt Shingles in Asphalt Mixtures with Warm Mix Asphalt TechnologiesCompleted
NCHRP 09-56Identifying Influences on and Minimizing the Variability of Ignition Furnace Correction FactorsCompleted
NCHRP 09-56AIdentifying Influences on and Minimizing the Variability of Ignition Furnace Correction FactorsCompletedAvailable as a Pre-Publication NCHRP Research Report 1060.
NCHRP 09-57Experimental Design for Field Validation of Laboratory Tests to Assess Cracking Resistance of Asphalt MixturesCompleted
NCHRP 09-57ARuggedness of Laboratory Tests to Assess Cracking Resistance of Asphalt MixturesFinal
NCHRP 09-57BField Validation of Laboratory Cracking Tests of Asphalt MixturesActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 09-58The Effects of Recycling Agents on Asphalt Mixtures with High RAS and RAP Binder RatiosCompleted
NCHRP 09-59Relating Asphalt Binder Fatigue Properties to Asphalt Mixture Fatigue PerformanceFinalPublished as NCHRP Research Report 982
NCHRP 09-60Addressing Impacts of Changes in Asphalt Binder Formulation and Manufacture on Pavement Performance through Changes in Asphalt Binder SpecificationsActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 09-61Short- and Long-Term Binder Aging Methods to Accurately Reflect Aging in Asphalt MixturesCompleted
NCHRP 09-62Rapid Tests and Specifications for Construction of Asphalt-Treated Cold Recycled PavementsFinalAvailable as WOD 376
NCHRP 09-63A Calibrated and Validated National Performance-Related Specification for Emulsified Asphalt BinderActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 09-64Developing Laboratory Methods and Specifications to Test Tack Coat MaterialsFinalReport available as Web-Only Document.
NCHRP 09-65Capturing Durability of High Recycled Binder Ratio (RBR) Asphalt MixturesActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 09-66Performance Properties of Laboratory Produced Recycled Plastic Modified (RPM) Asphalt Binders and MixturesActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 09-67New Materials & Technology Deployment in Asphalt Pavement Structural DesignAnticipated
NCHRP 09-68Recycled Asphalt Materials: Binder Availability and Its Impact on Mix PerformanceActiveResearch in progress
NCHRP 09-69Verifying Quantities of Materials Used in Asphalt Mixtures at Production FacilitiesActive
NCHRP 09-70Guidelines for Incorporating Aging Effects on Balanced Mix Design for Quality AssurancePending
NCHRP 09-71Framework for Design, Production, and Placement of Balanced Asphalt MixturesPending
NCHRP 09-72Sensitivity Evaluation of Balanced Mix Design Performance Tests Pending