TCRP A-01 | Fare Policies, Structures, and Technologies | Completed | |
TCRP A-02 | Service-Delivery Systems for Rural Passenger Transportation | Completed | |
TCRP A-03 | Aids for Car Side-Door Observation | Completed | |
TCRP A-04 | Electronic On-Vehicle Passenger Information Displays (Visual and Audible) | Completed | |
TCRP A-05 | Integration of Light Rail Transit into City Streets | Completed | |
TCRP A-05A(1) | Active Train Coming/Second Train Coming Sign Demonstration Project | Completed | |
TCRP A-05A(2) | Active Train Coming/Second Train Coming Sign Demonstration Project | Completed | |
TCRP A-06 | Computerized Paratransit Dispatching | Completed | |
TCRP A-07 | Operational Analysis of Bus Lanes on Arterials | Completed | |
TCRP A-07A | Operational Analysis of Bus Lanes on Arterials: Extended Field Investigations | Completed | |
TCRP A-08 | Rail Transit Capacity | Completed | |
TCRP A-09 | Signs and Symbols in Transit Facilities | Completed | |
TCRP A-10 | Location and Design of Bus Stops on Major Streets and Highways | Completed | |
TCRP A-10A | An Evaluation of Bus Bulbs on Transit, Traffic, and Pedestrian Operations | Completed | |
TCRP A-11 | Transit Scheduling Manual | Completed | |
TCRP A-12 | Passenger Information Services | Completed | |
TCRP A-13 | Light Rail Service: Pedestrian and Vehicular Safety | Completed | |
TCRP A-14 | Potential of Multipurpose Fare Media and Cashless Fare Collection | Completed | |
TCRP A-15 | Development of Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Principles, Practices and Procedures | Completed | |
TCRP A-15A | Update of the First Edition, Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Manual | Completed | |
TCRP A-15C | Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Manual, 3rd Edition | Final | |
TCRP A-16 | Improved Traffic Signal Priority for Transit | Completed | |
TCRP A-16A | Improved Traffic Signal Priority for Transit | Completed | |
TCRP A-17 | Joint Operation of Light Rail Transit or Diesel Multiple Unit Vehicles with Railroads | Completed | |
TCRP A-17A | Update of TCRP Report 52: Joint Operation of Light Rail Transit or Diesel Multiple Unit Vehicles With Railroads | Completed | |
TCRP A-18 | Effective Practices and Programs to Reduce Bus Accidents | Completed | |
TCRP A-19 | Integrating School Bus and Public Transportation Services in Nonurban Communities | Completed | |
TCRP A-19A(2) | Vehicle Guide for Integrating Non-Urban School and Public Transportation Services | Completed | |
TCRP A-20A(1) | Strategies for Improved Traveler Information | Completed | |
TCRP A-20B(2) | Training for New Technology | Completed | |
TCRP A-21 | Innovations to Improve the Productivity, Efficiency, and Quality of Public Transportation in Rural and Small Urban Areas | Completed | |
TCRP A-22 | Evaluation of Simulators as an Effective Training Tool toImprove Bus Safety and Guidelines for Their Application | Completed | |
TCRP A-23 | Implementation Guidelines for Bus Rapid Transit Systems | Completed | |
TCRP A-23A | Cost and Effectiveness of Selected Bus Rapid Transit Components | Final | |
TCRP A-24 | A Toolkit for Self-Service, Barrier-Free Fare Collection | Completed | |
TCRP A-25 | Fare Policies, Structures and Technologies (Update) | Completed | |
TCRP A-26 | Smart Card Interoperability Issues for the Transit Industry | Final | |
TCRP A-27 | Shared Use of Railroad Infrastructure with Non-FRA-Compliant Public Transit Rail Vehicles | Final | |
TCRP A-28 | Guidebook for Mitigating Fixed-Route Bus-and-Pedestrian Collisions | Completed | |
TCRP A-29 | Controlling System Costs: Basic and Advanced Scheduling Manuals and Contemporary Issues in Transit Scheduling | Final | |
TCRP A-30 | Improving Pedestrian and Motorist Safety Along Light Rail Transit Alignments | Final | |
TCRP A-31 | Transit, Call Centers, and 511: A Guide for Decision Makers | Completed | |
TCRP A-32 | Operation of Light Rail Transit through Ungated Crossings at Speeds over 35 MPH | Completed | |
TCRP A-33 | Communication with Vulnerable Populations: A Transportation and Emergency Management Toolkit | Completed | |
TCRP A-33A | Using Pictograms to Make Transit Easier to Navigate for Customers with Communication Barriers | Completed | This project is a continuation of TCRP Project A-33. Such is reflected in the numbering of the tasks. |
TCRP A-34 | Improving Safety-Related Rule Compliance in the Public Transportation Industry | Final | |
TCRP A-35 | Improving Safety Culture in Public Transportation | Final | |
TCRP A-36 | Command-Level Decision Making for Transportation Emergency Managers | Completed | |
TCRP A-36A | Transportation Emergency Response Application (TERA): Migration Options Beyond 2020 | Pending | |
TCRP A-37 | Paratransit Emergency Preparedness and Operations Handbook | Completed | |
TCRP A-38 | Guidebook for Pedestrian Crossings for Public Transit Rail Services | Final | |
TCRP A-39 | Improving Transportation Network Efficiency Through Implementation of Transit-Supportive Roadway Strategies | Completed | |
TCRP A-40 | Manual to Improve Rail Transit Safety at Platform/Train and Platform/Guideway Interfaces | Final | |
TCRP A-41 | Improving the Resiliency of Transit Systems Threatened by Natural Disasters | Completed | |
TCRP A-42 | Minutes Matter: A Guide to Bus Transit Service Reliability | Final | |
TCRP A-43 | Recent Decline in Public Transportation Ridership: Analysis, Causes, Responses | Final | |
TCRP A-44 | Strategies for Deterring Trespassing on Rail Transit and Commuter Rail Rights-of-Way | Final | Complete - Published as TCRP Research Report 233 |
TCRP A-45 | Measuring and Managing Fare Evasion | Final | |
TCRP A-46 | Quantitative Procedures for Designing and Operating Ferry Transit Services | Final | |
TCRP A-47 | Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Manual, Fourth Edition | Active | |
TCRP A-48 | Mitigation Strategies for Deterring Transit Assaults | Active | Research in Progress |
TCRP A-49 | Fare Policies, Structures, and Technologies -- 2024 Updates | Active | |
TCRP A-50 | Practical Considerations for Developing Transition Plans to Zero-Emission Fleets | Pending | |
TCRP A-51 | Innovative Practices for Technology Implementation at Rural, Small, and Mid-Sized Transit Agencies | Pending | |
TCRP A-52 | An Assessment of Cybersecurity at Public Transportation Agencies | RFP | |
TCRP A-53 | Identification of Causal Factors Leading to Transit Bus Collisions | Anticipated | In development |
TCRP A-54 | Innovations and Best Practices in Transit Fare Enforcement | Anticipated | In development |
TCRP A-55 | Travel Behavior, Equity, and Financial Impacts of Fare Capping | Anticipated | In development |