Project Number Project Title Stage Comments
ACRP 01-59Airport Landside Congestion Pricing ProgramsAnticipatedIn development
ACRP 02-105Addressing Challenges to Airport Terminal RecylcingAnticipatedIn development
ACRP 02-106Update ACRP Report 84: Guidebook for Preparing Airport Emissions Inventories for State Implementation PlansAnticipatedIn development
ACRP 02-88Techniques for Modifying NextGen Flight Track Design to Reduce Noise Exposure and AnnoyanceAnticipatedThis project was canceled.
ACRP 03-63Modernizing Air Cargo Operations in U.S. AirportsAnticipated
ACRP 03-78Primer for Helping Airports Prepare for the Electrification of Rent-a-Car FleetsAnticipatedIn development
ACRP 03-80Guide for Developing Airport Air Cargo System PlansAnticipatedIn development
ACRP 04-29Transportation Emergency Response Appication (TERA): Migration Options Beyond 2020Anticipated
ACRP 04-31Providing Adequate and Balanced Trainer Facilities for Required and Recurrent Training for Airport FirefightersAnticipatedIn development
ACRP 04-35Safety Criteria for Use of Autonomous Service Vehicles on AirfieldsAnticipatedIn development
ACRP 06-11Non-traditional Practices to Support the Airport WorkforceAnticipatedIn development
ACRP 07-28Incorporating Technological Advancements in Airport Baggage Handling SystemsAnticipatedIn development
ACRP 10-37Boarding Passengers with Mobility Issues onto Medium and Large Aircraft Without Loading BridgesAnticipatedIn development
ACRP 11-01/Topic 15-04Anticipated
ACRP 11-04Graduate Research Award Program on Public-Sector Aviation IssuesAnticipatedIn development
ACRP 11-09/Topic 02ACRP First Look: Understanding Impacts of Tire Anti-degradants 6PPD and 6PPD-Quinone at AirportsAnticipatedIn development
ACRP 11-11Facilitating Implementation of ACRP ProductsAnticipated
BTSCRP BTS-42The Future of Automated Traffic Enforcement and Public AcceptanceAnticipatedIn development
NCHRP 08-156Planning for Innovative and Emerging Mobility Futures at Intermodal Passenger FacilitiesAnticipated$200,000 to TCRP D-21
NCHRP 08-186Best Practices for Distributed Rainfall-Runoff Models to Transform Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modeling for Resilient Transportation Planning and DesignAnticipatedIn development
NCHRP 08-190National Evaluation of Truck Parking Demand and Rest Area LocationsAnticipatedIn development
NCHRP 08-194Active Transportation Messaging and Communications in Support of Active Transportation Investment, Including Investment in Safety CountermeasuresAnticipatedIn development
NCHRP 09-67New Materials & Technology Deployment in Asphalt Pavement Structural DesignAnticipated
NCHRP 10-144Rightsizing Pay Factors to Incentivize Quality Highway ConstructionAnticipatedIn development
NCHRP 15-83Develop a Next-Decade Strategic Research Agenda for Geometric Design of Highways and StreetsAnticipatedIn development
NCHRP 17-137Crash Prediction Methods for Long-Term Work ZonesAnticipatedIn development
NCHRP 17-89BSafety Performance of Part-Time Shoulder Use on FreewaysAnticipatedCancelled.
NCHRP 18-20(01)AASHTO LRFD Design, Installation, and Standard Practice of Testing for Cured In-Place Pipe LinersAnticipatedAnticipated - Phase I and II were completed by Golder & Associates under the original award for NCHRP 18-20. Pending a new contract to complete the remaining phases.
NCHRP 20-06/Topic 27-02State and Local Suspension and Debarment Programs of ContractorsAnticipatedIn development
NCHRP 20-07/Task 330Waterproofing of Bridge Decks Using Pavement Preservation Products AnticipatedProject cancelled.
NCHRP 20-07/Task 367Analysis of Crash Contributing Factors to Determine Appropriate CountermeasuresAnticipated
NCHRP 20-24(119)Strategic Research in Support of the Connected and Automated Vehicle Executive Leadership TeamAnticipated
NCHRP 20-24(132)Understanding Knowledge Management in Context with Other Organizational PracticesAnticipatedThis research will be conducted as NCHRP Project 23-18.
NCHRP 20-24(151)Implementation of Artificial Intelligence Programs in State and Local Departments of TransportationAnticipatedIn development
NCHRP 20-24(152)Current Workforce Challenges to Recruit and Retain Construction InspectorsAnticipatedIn development
NCHRP 20-24(153)Roadmap to Addressing State DOT Workforce Planning and Development NeedsAnticipatedIn development
NCHRP 20-44(59)Implementing the research results of NCHRP Research Report 1080, Using Cooperative Automated Transportation Data for Freeway Operational StrategiesAnticipatedIn development
NCHRP 20-44(60)Implementation of NCHRP Project 09-65: Capturing Durability of High Recycled Binder Ratio (RBR) Asphalt MixturesAnticipatedIn development
NCHRP 22-66Development of Critical Impact Point and Impact Angle Guidance for the Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH)AnticipatedIn development
NCHRP 23-42Scoping Study to Identify Curriculum Development Needs for Workforce Development in Transportation Asset ManagementAnticipatedIn development
NCHRP 25-72Field Methods and Interlaboratory Tests to Establish the Accuracy and Precision of Measured Concentrations of Emerging Contaminants in Stormwater Runoff and Stormwater-Treatment System EffluentAnticipatedIn development
NCHRP 25-73Successful Community Impact Strategies During the Construction of ProjectsAnticipatedIn development
NCHRP 25-75Simplified Methodology for Risk-Based Air Quality Assessments of NEPA AlternativesAnticipatedIn development
TCRP A-53Identification of Causal Factors Leading to Transit Bus CollisionsAnticipatedIn development
TCRP A-54Innovations and Best Practices in Transit Fare EnforcementAnticipatedIn development
TCRP A-55Travel Behavior, Equity, and Financial Impacts of Fare CappingAnticipatedIn development
TCRP B-57Innovative Marketing and Customer Communication Strategies for Rural TransitAnticipatedIn development
TCRP D-27Establishing Design Loads, Load Combinations, and Structural Design Methodology for OCS Poles and FoundationsAnticipatedIn development
TCRP D-28Passenger Station Platform Design Considerations and Innovations for Aesthetics and DurabilityAnticipatedIn development
TCRP F-26AImproving the Health and Safety of Transit Workers with Corresponding Impacts on the Bottom LineAnticipatedIn development
TCRP G-19Strategies for Implementing Same-Day Paratransit ServicesAnticipatedIn development
TCRP H-63Measures of Transit Ambassador and Outreach Program EffectivenessAnticipatedIn development
TCRP J-05/Topic 22-02Status of State and Local Suspension and Debarment Programs and Barriers to Creation and Implementation for State and Local ProgramsAnticipatedIn development. Joint project with NCHRP 20-06/27-02.
TCRP J-11/Task 52Integrating Public Transit Equity Impacts into Economic AnalysesAnticipatedIn development
TCRP J-11/Task 53Optimizing Work Schedules for Transit Frontline WorkersAnticipatedIn development
TFPE 08TRB/FHWA Performance Evaluations: Evaluation of FHWA Highway Safety Information Systems (HSIS)Anticipated
TFPE 09TRB/FHWA Performance Evaluations: Evaluation of FHWA’s Focus on Reducing Rural Roadway Departures (FoRRRwD) ProgramAnticipated
TORS TO-01Data, Metrics, and Analytic Methods for Assessing Equity Impacts of Surface Transportation Funding Programs: Pilot TestingAnticipatedIn development