The National Academies

NCHRP 20-07/Task 376 [Completed]

Transportation Agency ITS Infrastructure Decisions Considering V2I Deployment
[ NCHRP 20-07 (Research for AASHTO Standing Committee on Highways) ]

  Project Data
Funds: $99,000
Research Agency: Florida International University
Principal Investigator: Mohammed Hadi
Effective Date: 9/8/2015
Completion Date: 9/7/2017


The objective is to develop a framework that supports transportation agency decisions on their ITS infrastructure (particularly legacy systems) considering V2I deployment.


The draft report has been reviewed by the project oversight panel and is being revised by the contractor.

Realizing the benefits of advanced management and operation strategies, transportation agencies have invested in advanced technologies to support these strategies. Based on surveys conducted as part of the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) ITS Deployment Tracking Project, agencies have identified safety and mobility benefits, integration with existing technologies, availability of funding or grants, and the price of equipment as the major components in the decision to invest in ITS technologies. Agencies have utilized perceived benefits of various technologies in this decision. For example, according to the above mentioned surveys, freeway and arterial agencies generally ranked cameras, traveler information dissemination, traffic sensors, ramp metering, and adaptive signal controls; as technologies that provide the highest benefits. Transit agencies ranked highly the benefits of communications technologies, security cameras, computer aided dispatch (CAD), and automatic vehicle location (AVL) systems.
Many of the agencies surveyed reported they will expand their technology deployments in the next few years with focus on infrastructure equipment such as traffic sensors, cameras, and dynamic message signs. However, the survey indicates that there are also interests in migrating to information dissemination using mobile devices, in recent years.
Emerging connected vehicle technologies and transportation management and operation (TSM&O) strategies are expected to have significant influence on agency investment decisions in the next few years. The AASHTO Connected Vehicle Deployment Coalition has established a vision for the infrastructure footprint that anticipates a mature connected vehicle environment by 2040. According to the AASHTO National Connected Vehicle Field Infrastructure Footprint Analysis (2), “the connected vehicle infrastructure needs of state and local agencies will be determined in part by the specific applications that an agency wants to deploy.” The above mentioned AASHTO analysis identified “application groups” of connected vehicles that are related to transportation system objectives—improving safety, enhancing mobility, improving operational performance, and reducing environmental impacts.
At the same time, tools are becoming available to estimate system performance and to assess the impacts of advanced technologies and strategies on the system performance. These tools have been produced as part of the SHRP 2 program, USDOT projects, and State projects. The tools are based on analysis of data from multiple sources and/or different levels of modeling, and can be used to support various transportation agency decisions.
Task 1. Identify and document the methods currently used to support the decision making processes of transportation agencies when investing in ITS infrastructure (e.g., traveler information systems). This will be accomplished based on reviewing various ITS project documents and interviews with transportation agencies.
Task 2. Determine the anticipated impacts of connected vehicles on the investment decisions; considering the growth of the connected vehicle environment in the coming years, the various applications that it will support, the potential for integrating these technologies with existing types of infrastructure deployments, and the associated benefits and costs; among other considerations.
Task 3. Develop a framework to support the transportation agency decisions in investing in ITS technologies with consideration of the growth of connected vehicle environment between now and the time it reaches maturity.
Task 4. Engage practitioners to review the outcome of task 3 through webinars or other techniques and develop the initial framework for delivery. Where possible, existing materials should be included and expanded upon to offset the need for development of new concepts. At the conclusion of this task, the final pilot framework should be available.
Note: It is expected that the framework will be made available through the National Operations Center of Excellence. The AASHTO Highway Subcommittee on Transportation Systems Management and Operation will identify three state DOTs to pilot test the framework at their own expense.
Task 5. Prepare materials that the pilot agencies can use in evaluating the framework. During the approximately six months of pilot testing, provide limited phone support to the pilot agencies. At the end of the pilot test period, revise the framework based on the agencies’ experiences and submit it for distribution through the National Operations Center of Excellence.

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