The National Academies

SHRP 2 C10(A) [Completed]

Partnership to Develop an Integrated, Advanced Travel Demand Model and a Fine-Grained, Time-Sensitive Network

  Project Data
Funds: $1,900,000
Research Agency: Resource Systems Group
Principal Investigator: Stephen Lawe
Effective Date: 8/13/2009
Completion Date: 12/31/2013

Project snapshot. More details available below.

(Project Number)
Impact on Practice
Product Status
Integrated Advanced Travel Demand Model with Mode Choice Capacity and Finely-Grained, Time-Sensitive Networks
(C10 A &B)
The integrated models dynamically evaluate the interplay of traveler behavior and transportation network conditions, including mode options. The transferability of model parameters was investigated.
With more realistic estimates of travel demand—and how it changes when mode choices are available— agencies can make more informed decisions about adding highway and transit capacity, improving traffic operations, introducing priced roads, and improving traveler information.
The software is available via an open source license; manuals and documentation are included. Pilot tests to validate the results and refine the usability of these tools are ongoing. Implementation is expected to begin in 2014. Model sets are available for Jacksonville, FL, Sacramento, CA, and Burlington, VT.  The supplementary report is available at https://www.trb.org/Main/Blurbs/170748.aspx.
The final report is available at www.trb.org/Main/Blurbs/169685.aspx.

Staff Responsibility: Stephen J. Andrle
Recent advances in both model demand and supply components create an opportunity to develop more robust travel models for use in transportation decision making.
The primary objective of this project was to make operational in two public agencies a dynamic integrated model – an integrated, advanced travel-demand model with a fine-grained, time-dependent network (integrated activities and networks).  The secondary objectives of this project were to (1) Produce a portable and transferrable, product, process, and sample data set that can be adapted for use elsewhere or used for research; (2) Incorporate SHRP 2 Capacity products from projects C04 (pricing) and C05 (operations) into the model capabilities; (3) Incorporate travel time reliability into the modeling capabilities; (4) Demonstrate the application of outputs of the integrated model to estimate greenhouse gas emissions using EPA’s MOVES Model; and (5) Demonstrate the dynamic integrated model set in a real-world environment on selected policies.
While the primary project objective called for the development of a dynamic integrated model with advanced policy analysis capabilities, it was also important that it be feasible for advanced practitioners to implement the model system in other regions without excessive costs or undue complexity. This resulted in a model system that is scalable and relatively easy to implement and maintain, while not requiring a lengthy, expensive implementation and maintenance effort.
Status: The project is complete.
Product Availability: The software is available at https://www.shrp2c10.org/SHRPC10Portal/Home.aspxA prepublication draft of the final report, Partnership to Develop an Integrated, Advanced Travel Demand Model and a Fine-Grained Time-Sensitive Network, was released in October, 2013.  It is available as an Adobe PDF.  A fact sheet and project brief are also available.
This page was last modified on January 7, 2014.

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