The National Academies

NCHRP 20-68A [Active]

US Domestic Scan Program - Phase 1
[ NCHRP 20-68 (US Domestic Scan Program -- Business Plan) ]

  Project Data
Funds: $5,110,592
Funds for primary scan program Phase 1; see also NCHRP Projects 20-68A(02) and 20-68D. NCHRP funds are occasionally supplemented by other sponsors.
Staff Responsibility: Sid Mohan
Research Agency: Arora and Associates, P. C.
Principal Investigator: Harry A. Capers, Jr.
Effective Date: 12/27/2007
Completion Date: 4/2/2022
Comments: Completion date refers to 3rd phase program, NCHRP Project 20-68D. All scans are listed on this page.

The objective of NCHRP Project 20-68A is to plan and manage the execution of domestic technology scans, each addressing a single technical topic. The initial 3-year schedule of activities was intended to be the first stage of what NCHRP anticipates will be a continuing domestic scan program. NCHRP staff estimates that funds allocated to the program will typically be adequate to support planning and execution of three to five scans each year. The number of scans conducted each year will depend on the estimated costs of specific scans and the availability of funds from NCHRP and other sponsorship. 

AASHTO and NCHRP identify scan topics, based on suggestions submitted by state DOTs and FHWA.  Each scan is planned and conducted with a scan team chair (or co-chairs) and 8 to 10 scan-team members. A subject-matter expert, working with the scan-team chair and members, is responsible for (a) conducting a desk scan; (b) defining the appropriate duration of the scan, its technical structure, and other factors likely to influence planning of the scan; (c) preparing scan technical materials; and (d) supporting the scan-team's reporting of their experience and findings.  AASHTO and NCHRP identify scan team chars and members.  The management team is responsible for receiving scan-topic descriptions from NCHRP; planning, executing and documenting scans, including securing NCHRP approvals of interim and final products; and preparing an annual report of the domestic scan program’s activities. The management team works with scan-team chairs to select subject-matter experts.

For more information on the U.S. Domestic Scan Program, please visit this link .

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