The National Academies

NCHRP 08-182 [Pending]

Playbook for Communicating Benefits of Transportation Systems Management and Operations Strategies Using System Performance Data

  Project Data
Funds: $400,000
Contract Time: 24 months
Staff Responsibility: Dr. Yi Zhao


The widespread adoption of Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) strategies by agencies marks a notable advancement in transportation operations. Despite the multi-perspective benefits identified from various TSMO strategies, agencies face challenges in effectively communicating these advantages to diverse stakeholders. The surge in data from various sources and emerging technologies further complicates the communication of these benefits. 

Research efforts have improved data handling and developed new performance metrics, such as freeway and arterial reliability measures. However, linking system performance to TSMO strategies and consistently conveying their broader benefits remains a significant challenge. This indicates a gap between understanding the comprehensive impact of TSMO strategies and effectively communicating their benefits.

Research is critically needed to identify system performance measures to quantify TSMO benefits, utilize data to illustrate these benefits clearly, and provide recommendations to bridge any communication gaps to intended audiences. 

The research shall encompass defining what and how to effectively communicate TSMO benefits to whom and when in a timely, relevant, and accessible manner. The research shall also provide methods to assess the efficacy of the communications.


The objective of this research is to develop a playbook with practices for leveraging data and system performance measures to effectively communicate the benefits of TSMO to inter- and intra-agency practitioners/stakeholders, policymakers, and the public.

Accomplishment of the project objective will require at least the following tasks.


PHASE I — Planning and Data Collection

Task 1a. Conduct a comprehensive literature review on how to measure and communicate the benefits of TSMO strategies. The literature review shall include published and unpublished research, policies, programs, and procedures conducted through the NCHRP; American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO); Federal Highway Administration (FHWA); other national, state, and local transportation agencies; and international organizations.

Task 1b. Propose an outreach approach (e.g., surveys, targeted interviews, focus groups, and other appropriate methods and/or tools) to collect information from state and local transportation agencies, metropolitan planning organizations, and stakeholders involved in evaluating, analyzing, and reporting the performance of TSMO strategies. The information includes:

  • Transportation practitioners' needs for considering, adopting, and communicating the benefit of TSMO strategies;
  • Relevant stakeholders involved in TSMO;
  • System performance measures and data used to identify TSMO benefits; and
  • The maturity level in implementing and communicating TSMO strategies.

Outreach materials and a roster of the participants shall be presented to and approved by the NCHRP. A short presentation is expected to be given prior to the initiation of outreach.

Task 2. Synthesize the results of Tasks 1a and 1b to identify the knowledge gaps related to the project objective. These gaps shall be addressed in the final product or the recommended future research as budget permits.

Task 3. Develop a comprehensive methodology to accomplish the research objective to be developed in Phase II. The methodology, at a minimum, shall include the following: 

  • Identify stakeholder-specific needs for communicating TSMO benefits;
  • Identify successful use of data and system performance measures to demonstrate TSMO benefits and communicate to intended audiences;
  • Discuss common issues where the benefits of TSMO failed to be identified or were not effectively communicated;
  • Develop strategies and tools to address the gaps identified in Task 2;
  • Propose methods to evaluate the effectiveness of the communication strategies;
  • Identify a minimum of five representative case studies where system performance data effectively communicated the benefit of TSMO to the targeted audiences;
  • Based on the findings from Task 2, propose potential products to help in the implementation of recommendations; and
  • Provide a summary of the assumptions, data limitations, and other constraints.

Task 4. Develop an annotated outline for the draft playbook. Include the five case studies identified in Task 3 as part of the annotated outline.

Task 5. Prepare Interim Report No.1 that documents Tasks 1 through 4 and provides an updated work plan for the remainder of the research.

PHASE II — Execution and Documentation

Task 6. Execute the methodology according to the approved Interim Report No.1 and provide a summary of the findings, which at a minimum shall include the following:

  • Specific needs for communicating TSMO benefits to various stakeholders;
  • Recommended system performance data and measures to communicate the TSMO benefit;
  • Most effective communication strategies for demonstrating TSMO benefits;
  • Recommendations on the consistent communication of TSMO benefits;
  • Products and tools to implement the recommendations, e.g., presentations, infographics, storyboards, short videos, flyers, pamphlets, and webinars;
  • Methods to evaluate the effectiveness of the communication strategies;
  • Case studies;
  • A detailed chapter-by-chapter breakdown of the proposed research report; and
  • A sample chapter of the proposed research report that shall be publication ready.

The summary shall be reviewed and approved by the NCHRP before proceeding with Task 7.

Task 7. Prepare the draft playbook based on the approved summary from Task 6 for the NCHRP panel to review and approve. The draft playbook shall be submitted to the NCHRP 6 months prior to the contract end date.

Task 8. Develop and deliver the presentation of the research findings to the AASHTO Committee on Transportation System Operations. Revise the draft playbook based on the review comments.

Task 9. Prepare the final deliverables, which at a minimum shall include:

  • A final research report that documents the entire research effort and findings;
  • A playbook for effectively communicating the benefits of TSMO strategies;
  • Prioritized recommendations for future research;
  • Tools and communication material (e.g., presentations, infographics, storyboards, short videos, flyers, pamphlets, graphics, press releases) to support the implementation of the recommendations; and
  • A stand-alone technical memorandum titled “Implementation of Research Findings and Products.”


STATUS: A research contractor has been selected for the project.  The contracting process is underway.


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