The National Academies

NCHRP 14-36(01) [Active]

Implementation of Bridge Preservation Actions

  Project Data
Funds: $300,000
Staff Responsibility: Ahmad Abu Hawash
Research Agency: Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.
Principal Investigator: Richard Dunne
Effective Date: 6/8/2023
Completion Date: 12/8/2024
Comments: Research In Progress


Research was performed under NCHRP Project 14-36, “Proposed AASHTO Guide for Bridge Preservation Actions,” to support the development of bridge and deck preservation guides. The research was based on data collected from representative agencies and includes (1) catalogs of bridge element preservation actions and (2) the criteria and selection methods of bridge preservation actions with associated costs and benefits for use in life cycle cost analysis and possible integration into a bridge management system.

The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Committee on Bridges and Structures balloted and passed for adoption two guides:

  • Guide to Bridge Preservation Actions (published July 2021)
  • Guide to Preservation of Highway Bridge Decks (pending publication)


The objective of this implementation project is to hold workshops for state departments of transportation (DOTs) and local public agencies to support the implementation of bridge preservation practices, as outlined in the following AASHTO guides:

  • Guide to Bridge Preservation Actions (published July 2021)
  • Guide to Preservation of Highway Bridge Decks (pending publication)

 Accomplishment of the project objective will require at least the following tasks.


Task 1.  Prepare a draft outline describing the content, format, and delivery method of the proposed workshops. It shall include a comprehensive 8-hour instructor-led workshop, a shorter summary workshop, and web-based recorded modules. At a minimum, the draft outline shall include the selection of actions for bridge preservation, the implementation of a program for bridge preservation, the catalog of bridge preservation actions, and case study examples of bridge preservation.

Task 2.  Prepare and submit a task report that documents Task 1.

Task 3.  Develop workshop materials based on the approved Task 1 report. Include any supplementary tools such as spreadsheets to aid in implementation. The workshop materials shall be approved by the NCHRP, and the research team shall address NCHRP comments and submit revised materials before holding any workshop, including the pilot.

Task 4.  Deliver one pilot comprehensive 8-hour instructor-led workshop at a state DOT, and one shorter summary workshop at a regional event. Locations and dates of the workshops will be determined by the NCHRP. The pilot workshop shall be conducted no later than 9 months after contract award.

Task 5.  Collect feedback from pilot workshop participants and update the workshop material and format accordingly.

Task 6.  Develop the web-based recorded modules.

Task 7.  Develop and submit the proposed number of workshops to be held in person as budget permits. Locations and dates of the workshops will be determined by the NCHRP.

Task 8.  Deliver the remaining in-person workshops.

Task 9.  Submit the final deliverables including (1) a summary of the conducted workshops; (2) recommendations for any additional research needed to improve the implementation of bridge preservation practices; (3) recorded workshop modules; (4) workshop materials used, including speakers' notes; and (5) any supplementary tools developed.


STATUS: Work has been initiated.


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