The National Academies

NCHRP 14-08A [Completed]

Chip Seal Coats for High-Traffic-Volume Asphalt Concrete Pavements

  Project Data
Funds: $159,922
Research Agency: The Asphalt Institute
Principal Investigator: T. S. Shuler
Effective Date: 1/1/1991
Completion Date: 12/31/1992

Chip seal coats are used to extend pavement service life by reducing water infiltration and improving skid resistance. The use of chip seal coats on high-traffic-volume roads has had limited application because of unknown cost-effectiveness, potential windshield damage, unsatisfactory results because of lack of adherence to sound engineering principles, and traffic disruption during construction. However, chip seal coats may be suitable on roads with relatively high volumes, in the vicinity of 20,000 vehicles per day on four-lane roads, thereby postponing the need for overlays. Research is needed to investigate the causes and to provide solutions to the problems that discourage the use of chip seal coats on high-volume roads.

The objective of this research was to develop a workable system for applying chip seal coats to high-traffic-volume asphalt concrete pavements as a cost-effective alternative to asphalt concrete overlays. For purposes of this project, high traffic volumes were those in excess of 7,500 vehicles per day in one direction on a four-lane highway.

Status: The project is complete. The final report will not be published in the NCHRP series; however, copies of the agency's report have been distributed to the CAOs of all state DOTs.

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